View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Bewonder hoog op de Dachstein het 'Dachstein Eispalast' (ijspaleis) en raak onder de indruk van het prachtige uitzicht op de Niedere en Hohe Tauern tot aan de Großglockner. Geniet van een van de negen thermen en ervaar het geneeskrachtige effect van het thermale water.

    Maak een tussenstop bij een van de delicatessenmakers, zoals 'Gölles Schnapps & Essig' en 'Zotter Schokolade’, en proef de lekkernijen. En op de wijnroutes in het zuiden en oosten van de Steiermark kun je hier en daar een wijntje drinken. Laat je inspireren door het culturele programma van de Opera van Graz of de geschiedenis van de Schlösserstraße. Of wat dacht je van in de voetsporen treden van Max Verstappen op de Red Bull Ring? Tijdens uitstapjes in de Steiermark kun je, hoe het weer ook is, het hele jaar door veel beleven.

    Gedetailleerde informatie over de uitstapjes is beschikbaar in het Engels.

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    Winzer Edi Tropper | © Tropper Bio Weine, © derFlor
    • open today
    • Straden

    Weingut Tropper Edi Tropper Bio-Winzer

    The family organic winery Tropper is located directly on the Stradener Kirchberg and impresses with the omnipresent...
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    Wollgenuss - 1. Steirische Schafwolljurte | © Wollgenuss
    • Edelsbach

    Wollgenuss - Naturprodukte oststeirischer Schafbäuerinnen

    "Wollgenuss" offers natural products made by hand from local sheep's wool. On the wool nature trail you will learn...
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    The Käsemax_Products of Milk_Eastern styria | © Pixabay
    • open today
    • Grafendorf

    Cheese dairy "Der Käsemax", Schützenhöfer

    The foundation stone of the cheese production was laid in 1993.
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    Toll road Pretul_view_Eastern Styria | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
    • Ratten

    Toll road Pretul

    Starting from Ratten, the road leads to the toll station. Bauer vulgo Hansl in Reith and then on to the Pretul.
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    Kneipp oasis Siegersdorf_entrance_eastern_styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • Feistritztal

    Kneippoasis Siegersdorf

    This Kneipp facility offers a fascinating view towards Riegesburg. Through the "Kneipptürl" you enter a really...
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    repair station | © Thermen- und Vulkanland
    • open today
    • Bad Waltersdorf

    Bike repair station Hotel & Spa Der Steirerhof

    A region with structure - everything there. The small damages in between can be taken care of completely free of charge...
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    Wheel of fortune | © Bernhard Bergmann
    • open today
    • Bad Waltersdorf

    Wheel of fortune in the Bad Waltersdorf parish church

    A unique cultural-historical jewel is the Waltersdorf Wheel of Fortune from the 14th century, which was discovered...
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    Pilgrimage Church Pöllauberg_aerial view_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark/Helmut Schweighofer
    • open today
    • Pöllauberg

    Pilgrimage Church Pöllauberg

    Visit the Pöllauberg pilgrimage church in the Pöllauer Tal nature park.
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    • Graz

    Mariatrost Basilica

    The double-towered pilgrimage church and basilica Mariatrost sits on top of a hill on the eastern edge of Graz. To...
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    Das Baderhaus | © K. Pashkovskaya
    • Bruck an der Mur

    Das Baderhaus

    The former bathhouse from the 16th century is a real historical treasure of the city. The house now houses a restaurant...
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    Team Kulturkreis_2 | © Kulturkreis Groß St. Florian
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    • Groß Sankt Florian

    Kulturkreis Gr. St. Florian

    The KulturKreis Groß Sankt Florian offers a varied cultural offer all year round.
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    • Grimming-Donnersbachtal


    Beastly good.
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