View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger

    Výletní cíle ve Štýrsku

    Vystoupejte vysoko na Dachstein, obdivujte Ledový palác a vychutnejte si nádherný výhled sahající od pohoří Niedere a Hohe Tauern až po Großglockner. Ponořte se do jedněch z devíti termálních lázní a pociťte léčivé účinky termální vody.

    Vyzkoušejte rozmazlující program v manufakturách, jako je Zotter, Gölles a spol., a na vinařských stezkách na jihu a východě Štýrska. Nechte se inspirovat kulturním programem opery ve městě Graz či historií, kterou poznáte na stezce vedoucí po hradech a zámcích zvané Schlösserstraße. Během jednodenních výletů po Štýrsku mohou turisté zažít mnohá dobrodružství, na slunci i v dešti, na jaře, v létě, na podzim i v zimě.

    Přečtěte si další informace o výletních cílech v anglickém jazyce.

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    Jause mit Berglermühle | © Josef Pail
    • St. Peter a. Ottersbach

    Sepp's Berglermühle

    An idyllic wooden house in southern Styria in an absolutely quiet location was converted into a beautiful...
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    Villa Max im Kurpark | © TVB Thermen- & Vulkanland
    • open today
    • Bad Gleichenberg

    Historic spa town of Bad Gleichenberg

    Nestled in a volcanic landscape, protected by the Gleichen Mountains, which are nevertheless only gently wooded hills,...
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    Pilgrimage Church Pöllauberg_aerial view_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark/Helmut Schweighofer
    • open today
    • Pöllauberg

    Pilgrimage Church Pöllauberg

    Visit the Pöllauberg pilgrimage church in the Pöllauer Tal nature park.
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    Bergführer im Gesäuse | © Stefan Leitner
    • Admont

    Bergführer Paul Sodamin

    Dream Tours with Paul Sodamin - Your Experienced Mountain Guide from Styria Hand on heart - is there a better feeling...
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    Kreuzbergwarte Symbol | © Symbol
    • open today
    • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

    Kreuzbergwarte - Naturpark Juwel

    The Warte was opened in 1994 and, at 633 m, is the highest point in the municipality of Eichberg-Trautenburg.
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    • open today
    • Fürstenfeld

    railway station in the City Fürstenfeld

    The Guest Information Fürstenfeld handles all ÖBB ticket sales at home and abroad, as well as reservations for...
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    Hammerbodenlift | © Gemeinde Landl
    • Landl

    Hammerbodenlift Großreifling

    A taste for theatricality Yes, the Hammerbodenlift in Großreifling made it. It managed to get among the really big...
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    Highest church tower_view_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • Pischelsdorf am Kulm

    Highest church tower in Eastern Styria - Pischelsdorf parish church

    Panoramic view and tower tours
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    Ausstellung 1 | © Dieter Cziglar
    • Mureck

    Ausstellung Dieter Cziglar

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    Wallfahrtskirche Klein Mariazell in Eichkögl | © Tourismusverband Eichkögl
    • open today
    • Eichkögl

    Pfarr- und Wallfahrtskirche Klein Mariazell Eichkögl

    The initial chapel became a pilgrimage church in 1890. In 1991, the Small Treasury was opened on the sacristy floor,...
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    Eislaufplatz Stallegg_Eisanlage_Oststeiermark | © Eisanlage Strallegg
    • Strallegg

    Ie skating rink Strallegg

    There's snow outside, it's cold and you don't know what to do? The ice rink in Strallegg is the solution. Go ice...
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    Rottenmannert Teich
    • open today
    • Ranten

    Rottenmanner Teich - Church tower in the lake

    The Rottenmann pond with its church tower in the lake offers the perfect opportunity for a family outing. Here you can...
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