View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger

    Výletní cíle ve Štýrsku

    Vystoupejte vysoko na Dachstein, obdivujte Ledový palác a vychutnejte si nádherný výhled sahající od pohoří Niedere a Hohe Tauern až po Großglockner. Ponořte se do jedněch z devíti termálních lázní a pociťte léčivé účinky termální vody.

    Vyzkoušejte rozmazlující program v manufakturách, jako je Zotter, Gölles a spol., a na vinařských stezkách na jihu a východě Štýrska. Nechte se inspirovat kulturním programem opery ve městě Graz či historií, kterou poznáte na stezce vedoucí po hradech a zámcích zvané Schlösserstraße. Během jednodenních výletů po Štýrsku mohou turisté zažít mnohá dobrodružství, na slunci i v dešti, na jaře, v létě, na podzim i v zimě.

    Přečtěte si další informace o výletních cílech v anglickém jazyce.

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    Energy adventure pool Weiz_Springboard_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • Weiz

    Energy adventure pool

    The adventure pool in Weiz is a popular destination on hot summer days.
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    Kreischberg Gondelbahn & DiscGolf
    • St. Georgen am Kreischberg

    Kreischberg summer cable car

    The WM mountain presents itself in summer as a beautiful hiking area for the whole family! The new 10-seater gondola...
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    • open today
    • Grimming-Donnersbachtal

    Archery Planneralm

    The Planneralm is the ideal place for enthusiastic archers to set off with bow and arrow. There are two varied courses...
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    ice skating rink Birkfeld_ice sticks_Eastern Styria | © SSV Wenigzell
    • Birkfeld

    Ice-skating rink Birkfeld

    If the weather conditions are right, there is also an ice rink in Birkfeld.
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    • Graz

    Natural History Museum

    Universalmuseum Joanneum Wild cats, birds in flight, strange plants, mysterious fossils… All this and much more of...
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    Das 5-Sterne Insektenhotel | © Saskia Pock
    • open today
    • Unterlamm

    Insect hotel

    The new 5-star insect hotel will be home to a variety of insects (butterflies, bees, beetles, grasshoppers...) as well...
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    Grundlsee im Sommer | © TVB Ausseerland Salzkammergut_Theresa Schwaiger
    • Grundlsee

    Fishing at the Grundlsee

    The fishing license is available at the information office Grundlsee during opening hours. With this license only pike,...
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    Waschlrad | © Holzwelt Murau
    • open today
    • Ranten

    Washing wheel

    A historical remnant is the Waschlrad on the Rantenbach. A sawmill was operated here for a long time.
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    Schloss Feistritz | © Rene Hochegger
    • St. Peter Kbg.

    Schloss Feistritz

    The castle is located east of the village of Feistritz and was mentioned in a document as early as 1343 as Haus...
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    Wallfahrtskirche Mariä Geburt | © Thomas Sattler
    • Rottenmann

    Wallfahrtskirche Mariä Geburt Oppenberg

    The parish church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, first mentioned in a document in 1403, is located away from the...
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    Der Kneipppfad
    • Aflenz

    Kneipp- und Vogellehrpfad Aflenz

    45-minute circular route with the stations herb garden, forest nature trail information, breathing and stretching...
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    Moarhofhechtl_Products_Eastern Styria | © Moarhofhechtl
    • open today
    • Passail


    Moarhofhechtl - ALMO cattle, free range chickens & pasta production! The pasta and egg specialties produced...
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