View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Wspiąć się wysoko w górę – na Dachstein, aby zobaczyć Pałac Lodowy i wspaniałą panoramę Niskich i Wysokich Taurów aż po Großglockner. Lub odwrotnie – pozostać na dole i zanurzyć się w kojących wodach jednej z dziewięciu term Styrii, by poczuć ich kojące działanie.

    Wypróbować kulinarny program rozpieszczania podniebień w manufakturach takich jak Zotter, Gölles i podobnych, a także lokalach przy szlakach wina na południu i wschodzie Styrii. Znaleźć inspirację w programie kulturalnym Opery w Grazu czy w historii na Szlaku Zamków. Jednodniowe wycieczki po Styrii gwarantują mnóstwo wrażeń, w słońcu i w deszczu, wiosną, latem, jesienią i zimą.

    Szczegółowe informacje na temat atrakcji turystycznych w języku angielskim.

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    aerial view moor | © TVB Bad Waltersdorf
    • open today
    • Bad Waltersdorf

    Lichtenwald moor

    The nature reserve, designated in 2008, is located between Lichtenwald and Hohenbrugg. Due to numerous preserved pollen...
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    Burgruine Ligist | © Rainer M. Fürstaller
    • open today
    • Ligist

    Burgruine Ligist

    The ruins of Ligist Castle with its keep can't be overlooked on a hill north of the market town of Ligist.
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    Schloss Seggau von oben | © Patrick Schadler |
    • open today
    • Leibnitz

    Schloss Seggau

    Seggau Castle is more than just a castle: like a small town, it is situated on a gentle hill in the middle of the...
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    Farmers' market_whole_Eastern Styria | © Stadtgemeinde Gleisdorf_Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • Gleisdorf

    Farmers' market Gleisdorf

    The Gleisdorf Farmers' Market is there for you on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning on the main square!
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    Kinder basteln in der Kreativwerkstatt Zloam | © Narzissendorf Zloam
    • open today
    • Grundlsee

    Creative workshop Zloam

    Our wood and creative workshop invites children and adults to work with wood and other natural materials.
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    Stadtgemeinde Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
    • open today
    • Feldbach

    Tennis und Tischtennis in Feldbach

    There are a total of 29 tennis courts in the municipality of Feldbach.
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    City Park_bench_Eastern Styria | © Stadtgemeinde Gleisdorf_Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • Gleisdorf

    City Park Gleisdorf

    The city park with a total area of ​​1.5 hectares is located in the heart of Gleisdorf.
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    Panoramaturm Wein- & Genusswelt Garber | © Panoramaturm - Wollschweinwanderung Garber
    • open today
    • Eibiswald

    Panoramaturm - Wollschweinwanderung Garber

    A special feature for guests is the farm's own 360° panorama tower.
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    Kelten- und Römermuseum Södingberg_Innenbereich1 | © Gemeinde Geistthal-Södingberg
    • Geistthal-Södingberg

    Celtic and Roman Museum

    The Söding Valley and the neighbouring mountain ranges have been inhabited for almost 6000 years.
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    Erdefunkstelle Aflenz
    • Aflenz

    Erdefunkstelle Aflenz

    The Aflenz earth station is the only ground satellite system in Austria and was put into operation on May 30, 1980.
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    Röcksee 4 | © Robert Sommerauer
    • Mureck

    Röcksee - Badesee

    The Rock Guesthouse, along with the Röcksee lake, which has been owned by the family for decades, continues to be a...
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    Rosegger Landhaus | © Karl Heinz Wirnsberger
    • Krieglach

    Roseggers Landhaus (Roseggermuseum)

    The country house was built according to Peter Rosegger's plans and invites you to get to know less considered aspects...
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