View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Wspiąć się wysoko w górę – na Dachstein, aby zobaczyć Pałac Lodowy i wspaniałą panoramę Niskich i Wysokich Taurów aż po Großglockner. Lub odwrotnie – pozostać na dole i zanurzyć się w kojących wodach jednej z dziewięciu term Styrii, by poczuć ich kojące działanie.

    Wypróbować kulinarny program rozpieszczania podniebień w manufakturach takich jak Zotter, Gölles i podobnych, a także lokalach przy szlakach wina na południu i wschodzie Styrii. Znaleźć inspirację w programie kulturalnym Opery w Grazu czy w historii na Szlaku Zamków. Jednodniowe wycieczki po Styrii gwarantują mnóstwo wrażeń, w słońcu i w deszczu, wiosną, latem, jesienią i zimą.

    Szczegółowe informacje na temat atrakcji turystycznych w języku angielskim.

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    Mursteg Stadl an der Mur | © Holzwelt Murau
    • open today
    • Stadl-Predlitz-Turrach

    Mursteg Stadl an der Mur

    The bridge sees itself as a "gateway to the Mur Valley" and impressively demonstrates the possible uses of wood as a...
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    Josef Zotter in his zoo | © Rautenstrauch
    • Riegersburg

    Zotter´s edible zoo

    The chocolate shop theatre grows into the grounds: all visitors are invited to relax in the Edible Zoo and reflect on...
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    Steireröl | © Steireröl
    • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark


    Since 1972 we have been cultivating the Styrian oil pumpkin on our fields as an agricultural enterprise. Southern...
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    Auf Schneeschuhen durch die Hochsteiermark
    • Mürzzuschlag

    Snowshoe hike to Amundsenhöhe

    The Semmering-Waldheimat-Veitsch region is one hour away from Vienna and Graz. There are small and fine lifts and...
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    Fischbach_Aussichtsbankl Reithkogel_Oststeiermark | © Eva Reindl
    • open today
    • Fischbach

    Viewing Bench Reithkogel

    The viewing bench invites you to take a short break and offers a wonderful view of the surrounding landscape.
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    Escaperooms am Kreischberg
    • St. Georgen am Kreischberg

    solve it - Escape Rooms at the Kreischberg

    A world full of puzzles, clues and secrets awaits you. Experience the thrill of solving difficult tasks!
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    Sessellift | © Bergbahnen Mitterbach | Kolonovits
    • Mariazell

    Gemeindealpe Mitterbach - Sommer

    Gemeindealpe Mitterbach Unique mountain experience with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains
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    Golfclub Ausseerland, Bad Aussee, Dachsteinblick | © Astrid Wichert
    • open today
    • Bad Aussee

    Golfclub Ausseerland

    Golf with a view of the glacier - from the golf course, which is situated on a plateau, you have a magnificent...
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    • Stainach-Pürgg

    Parish church

    Church of St. George
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    urlmueller | © Urlmüllers Paradeis Paradies
    • Straden

    Urlmüllers Paradeis Paradies

    Now Styria has his own "tomato king". Family Unger produces many dozens of tomatoes varieties and peppers under the old...
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    Spielplatz Bahnhofpark 1 | © Marktgemeinde Stainz
    • open today
    • Stainz

    Spielplatz beim Bahnhofpark in Stainz

    An attraction for children, parents and teenagers. A huge range of games in the area under the deciduous trees!
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    Bewegungs- und Motorikpark | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
    • open today
    • Feldbach

    Bewegungs- und Motorikpark Feldbach

    The Climbing Parkour, Workout Parkour and Free Running Parkour is a unique exercise facility designed for physical...
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