View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Wspiąć się wysoko w górę – na Dachstein, aby zobaczyć Pałac Lodowy i wspaniałą panoramę Niskich i Wysokich Taurów aż po Großglockner. Lub odwrotnie – pozostać na dole i zanurzyć się w kojących wodach jednej z dziewięciu term Styrii, by poczuć ich kojące działanie.

    Wypróbować kulinarny program rozpieszczania podniebień w manufakturach takich jak Zotter, Gölles i podobnych, a także lokalach przy szlakach wina na południu i wschodzie Styrii. Znaleźć inspirację w programie kulturalnym Opery w Grazu czy w historii na Szlaku Zamków. Jednodniowe wycieczki po Styrii gwarantują mnóstwo wrażeń, w słońcu i w deszczu, wiosną, latem, jesienią i zimą.

    Szczegółowe informacje na temat atrakcji turystycznych w języku angielskim.

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    • Graz


    An imperial place of rest next to the Dom. Turquoise domes stand out against the blue sky above the Mausoleum and,...
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    fassade neu steirisches feuerwehrmuseum kunst  kul | © Feuerwehrmuseum
    • open today
    • Groß Sankt Florian

    Steirisches Feuerwehrmuseum Kunst & Kultur Gr. St. Florian

    In historical museum architecture, the display collection with modern media provides a look behind the scenes of the...
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    entrance | © Bernhard Bergmann
    • open today
    • Bad Waltersdorf

    Roman Museum

    Near the parish church in the parish garden there is a collection of Roman stones - works of funerary art, created in...
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    Erdefunkstelle Aflenz
    • Aflenz

    Erdefunkstelle Aflenz

    The Aflenz earth station is the only ground satellite system in Austria and was put into operation on May 30, 1980.
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    Loser silver, Bad Aussee, jewellery set | © Lisa Wagenhofer
    • Bad Aussee

    Manufaktur Bad Aussee - Porzellan und Delikatessen

    Exclusive fashion print on silver
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    Minigolf_court_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • St. Jakob im Walde

    Minigolf and powergolf St. Jakob im Walde

    There is a miniature golf course in the center of St. Jakob im Walde. You can also play a round of "power golf" in the...
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    indoor climbinghall_climbingfun_Eastern Styria | © Indoor Kletterhalle Birkfeld
    • open today
    • Birkfeld

    indoor climbinghall Birkfeld

    Climbing is great for balance as a central coordinative skill. In addition, spatial orientation skills are trained and...
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    Spiritual path_Tabor Church_Eastern Styria | © Lightone
    • open today
    • Weiz

    Spiritual path

    This modern pilgrimage route was laid out in 2001. It leads from the Taborkirche in the center of the city up to the...
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    hARTberg walk_Quake_Oststeiermark | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
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    • Hartberg

    hARTberg walk - Quake

    Experience unique spray art in the East Styrian town of Hartberg!
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    Steireröl | © Steireröl
    • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark


    Since 1972 we have been cultivating the Styrian oil pumpkin on our fields as an agricultural enterprise. Southern...
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    Fischwasser Röcksee | © Röcksee_Mureck_pixelmaker.at_TV Region Bad Radkers
    • Mureck

    Röcksee - Fischwasser

    10 ha of water area for fishing
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    Schickers Vinothek
    • open today
    • Kapfenberg

    Schickers Depot

    Schickers Genuss Vinothek offers a very personalized, complete selection of winesInteresting representatives from all...
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