View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Wspiąć się wysoko w górę – na Dachstein, aby zobaczyć Pałac Lodowy i wspaniałą panoramę Niskich i Wysokich Taurów aż po Großglockner. Lub odwrotnie – pozostać na dole i zanurzyć się w kojących wodach jednej z dziewięciu term Styrii, by poczuć ich kojące działanie.

    Wypróbować kulinarny program rozpieszczania podniebień w manufakturach takich jak Zotter, Gölles i podobnych, a także lokalach przy szlakach wina na południu i wschodzie Styrii. Znaleźć inspirację w programie kulturalnym Opery w Grazu czy w historii na Szlaku Zamków. Jednodniowe wycieczki po Styrii gwarantują mnóstwo wrażeń, w słońcu i w deszczu, wiosną, latem, jesienią i zimą.

    Szczegółowe informacje na temat atrakcji turystycznych w języku angielskim.

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    Willow construction | © Kurkommission Bad Blumau
    • open today
    • Bad Blumau

    Willow Sculpturing

    The willow building stands in the spa park of the Bad Blumau thermal community. One large and many small domes were...
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    Außenbereich | © Versuchsstation für Spezialkulturen
    • Wies

    Versuchsstation für Spezialkulturen

    Hokkaido, Huckelberry, Kiwano or Pak Choi are the names of the strange vegetables grown at the Experimental Station for...
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    Lourdes Chapel | © Kurkommission Bad Blumau
    • open today
    • Bad Blumau

    Lourdes Chapel

    The Lourdes Chapel was built a short distance uphill from the Bad Blumau parish church. The chapel has already been...
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    Tennishall Birkfeld_tennisballs_Eastern Styria | © Katrin Schlagbauer
    • open today
    • Birkfeld

    Tennishall Birkfeld

    The tennis hall in Birkfeld offers both indoor and outdoor courts and a bowling alley.
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    Abschussplattform | © Gottfried Eichhöbl
    • open today
    • Mühlen

    Godi´s Bogenparcours

    The archery course was built in June 2014. There are currently over 80 figures set up over a length of about 6 km. A...
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    Werner Friedl
    • Mureck

    Raritäten aus der Film- & Tonwelt

    On display is equipment from the beginning of sound recording in 1877 to the present day.
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    • Aflenz

    Österreich Höhe

    Memorial with display boards and texts on Austrian history with a focus on "House of Habsburg".
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    • open today
    • Gröbminger Land

    Zipline Stoderzinken

    Live your dream of flying!
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    Reparaturastation | © Thermen- & Vulkanland
    • open today
    • Bad Waltersdorf

    Bike repair station Hotel Restaurant Teuschler-Mogg

    A region with structure - everything there. The small damages in between can be taken care of completely free of charge...
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    Kirche am Mühlsteinboden | © Naturpark Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen
    • open today
    • St. Lambrecht

    Chapel Mühlsteinboden

    According to legend, the Mühlsteinboden was a witches' mountain. Bad storms are said to have showered it with their...
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    • Graz

    Archaeology Museum

    at Eggenberg Palace | Universalmuseum Joanneum When can a pot can be a lot more than just a pot? At the new underground...
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    Schloffereck_View Point_Eastern Styria
    • open today
    • Pöllau

    Schloffereck vantage point

    Enjoy the view over the Pöllauer valley!
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