View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger

    Výletní cíle ve Štýrsku

    Vystoupejte vysoko na Dachstein, obdivujte Ledový palác a vychutnejte si nádherný výhled sahající od pohoří Niedere a Hohe Tauern až po Großglockner. Ponořte se do jedněch z devíti termálních lázní a pociťte léčivé účinky termální vody.

    Vyzkoušejte rozmazlující program v manufakturách, jako je Zotter, Gölles a spol., a na vinařských stezkách na jihu a východě Štýrska. Nechte se inspirovat kulturním programem opery ve městě Graz či historií, kterou poznáte na stezce vedoucí po hradech a zámcích zvané Schlösserstraße. Během jednodenních výletů po Štýrsku mohou turisté zažít mnohá dobrodružství, na slunci i v dešti, na jaře, v létě, na podzim i v zimě.

    Přečtěte si další informace o výletních cílech v anglickém jazyce.

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    Fischen am Ödensee | © P.Owsinski
    • open today
    • Bad Aussee

    Fishing on Lake Ödensee

    Lake Ödensee is a typical forest wetland lake, surrounded by dense forest and lush shore vegetation.
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    • Schladming-Rohrmoos-Pichl

    Ursprungalm Toll Road

    8.5 km-long toll road from Preunegg Valley to the Ursprungalm - elev. 1.610 m. Important: Buses must be no longer than...
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    Eislaufplatz Stallegg_Eisanlage_Oststeiermark | © Eisanlage Strallegg
    • Strallegg

    Ie skating rink Strallegg

    There's snow outside, it's cold and you don't know what to do? The ice rink in Strallegg is the solution. Go ice...
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    Willkommen im Forstmuseum Silvanum | © Stefan Leitner
    • Landl

    Forstmuseum Silvanum

    Großreifling and its Silvanum. What exactly is that, you might ask? It’s an old granary, which was turned into the...
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    Fischteich Passail_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • Passail

    Fishing at the Fischteich Passail

    The fish pond in Passail is in an absolutely quiet location and offers ideal conditions for all fishing enthusiasts....
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    Mining Museum_Stollen_Eastern Styria | © Kurt Elmleitner
    • Ratten

    Mining Museum Ratten

    You can visit the adit in Ratten which is closed since 1960s.
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    Gleichenberger Bahn in Meierdorf | © Steiermark Bahn
    • Feldbach

    Gleichenberger Bahn - Dschungelexpress

    The Gleichenberg Railway was opened in 1931 as an electric standard gauge railroad. Over a length of 21 km, it...
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    Naturbadeteich Oberhaag | © Naturbadeteich Oberhaag
    • open today
    • Oberhaag

    Naturbadeteich Oberhaag

    It is a pleasure to relax in the shade of the trees or just let the sun caress you. Water, from time immemorial the...
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    • Schladming-Rohrmoos-Pichl

    City tour Schladming

    City tours are a nice addition to get an overview of Schladming's eventful history!
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    Heimatmuseum | © Holzwelt Murau
    • Scheifling

    Pipe museum Scheifling

    "Am Sunntog ist Scheiflinger Kirta, do kemman die Tabakracher zsamm ..." is how the well-known folk song begins.
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    Kräftereich_Exhibit_Eastern Styria | © Kräftereich
    • St. Jakob im Walde

    Kräftereich St. Jakob im Walde

    Forces that surround us, how they affect us and how we can make use of them are presented in spectacular themed rooms. ...
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    Pfarrkirche St. Peter
    • open today
    • St. Peter Kbg.

    Parish church of St. Peter am Kammersberg

    The parish church in St. Peter am Kammersberg, built in 1072 and visible from afar, with Romanesque and Gothic...
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