View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger

    Výletní cíle ve Štýrsku

    Vystoupejte vysoko na Dachstein, obdivujte Ledový palác a vychutnejte si nádherný výhled sahající od pohoří Niedere a Hohe Tauern až po Großglockner. Ponořte se do jedněch z devíti termálních lázní a pociťte léčivé účinky termální vody.

    Vyzkoušejte rozmazlující program v manufakturách, jako je Zotter, Gölles a spol., a na vinařských stezkách na jihu a východě Štýrska. Nechte se inspirovat kulturním programem opery ve městě Graz či historií, kterou poznáte na stezce vedoucí po hradech a zámcích zvané Schlösserstraße. Během jednodenních výletů po Štýrsku mohou turisté zažít mnohá dobrodružství, na slunci i v dešti, na jaře, v létě, na podzim i v zimě.

    Přečtěte si další informace o výletních cílech v anglickém jazyce.

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    • open today
    • Murau

    Public transportation in the Murau region

    Simply get on, take your seat and get off at your destination!The Murau region has good train connections and five...
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    Oberhalb des Kurparks gelegen
    • Aflenz

    Freibad Aflenz

    The outdoor pool is located above the spa park and offers 5000 m² of sunbathing area, shady trees, preheated water,...
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    Kunsteisanlage Langenwang | © Gemeinde Langenwang
    • Langenwang

    Kunsteisanlage Langenwang

    Artificial ice rink with floodlights in the market town of Langenwang.
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    Monschein_Juni 2024-7 | © monschein
    • Straden

    Bio-Vinothek Monschein

    Our offer is unique, we unite ten organic and Demeter vintners from the thermal and volcanic region of Styria in one...
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    Pöllau adventure pool_Aerial view_Eastern Styria | © Pöllau Erlebnisbad
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    • Pöllau

    Public Outdoor Swimming Pool Pöllau

    Summertime bathing fun in the Nature Park Pöllau Valley.
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    Zweirad Reiter | © Tourismusverband Feldbach/ B. Bergmann
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    • Feldbach

    Zweirad Reiter

    Your competent partner for road bikes, e-bikes and mountain bikes.
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    Ulrike & Guntram Hamlitsch | © Fineart Photos by Andrea Schober
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    • Deutschlandsberg

    Hamlitsch oil mill

    Experience the exciting path from pumpkin seed to pumpkin seed oil and enjoy the variety of flavors of our products in...
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    Buschenschank Eberhart | © GlaMur-Genuss am Fluss
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    • Tieschen

    Weinbau Buschenschank Eberhart

    Our Buschenschank is located in the wine-growing community of Tieschen in the middle of the "Südoststeirischen Wein-...
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    Sauerbrunn | © Schilcherland Steiermark
    • open today
    • Stainz

    Heilquelle Bad Sauerbrunn

    The "Bad Sauerbrunn" refers to the well, from which the water of the Erzherzog-Johann-Quelle flows. This source is the...
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    Kalvarienberg_Station of the Cross_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
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    • Weiz

    Kalvarienberg - Thannhausen

    The stations of the cross on the Kalvarienberg start at the Ölbergberggruppe next to the Inn "Schlosstaverne" in the...
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    Patrick Nunner Photo | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
    • open today
    • Vorau

    Bike-Guide Patrick Nunner

    Book an individual bike tour with bike guide Patrick Nunner from/to Vorau. All tours can be individually adapted to the...
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    Aussicht | © Holzwelt Murau
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    • Krakau

    Kalvarienberg Chapel Krakaudorf

    Calvary Chapel with Stations of the CrossThe chapel is located northeast of the village on a hilltop. On the way there...
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