Zirbitz hut | © Tourismusverband Murtal | Isabella Painhapp Zirbitz hut | © Tourismusverband Murtal | Isabella Painhapp
The region's famous summit king


At 2396 metres above sea level, the Zirbitzkogel is one of the highest elevations in the Mur Valley (the highest mountain is the Großer Bösenstein in Hohentauern at 2448 metres). The Zirbitz is the talk of the town, can be hiked on several trails of varying difficulty and is home to Austria's highest mountain hut

A hearty snack with Murtaler Steirerkäse, a hearty soup and a Zirbenschnapserl at Zirbitz-Werner is a must. The Zirbitz offers an impressive natural spectacle at any time of year, whether in spring, when a few snowfields adorn the summit panorama of the Seetal Alps, or in summer, when it glows from pink to fiery red due to the alpine bushes. This is also where it gets its name from. Translated from Croatian, "čьrvenica" means red area. In autumn, the summit king is bathed in the most beautiful colours of the "golden summer" and impresses on romantic sunrise or sunset hikes before it covers itself in a thick white blanket of snow again in early winter. You will pass the Zirbitzkogel on your hiking route "from glacier to wine", after which you will reach Obdach, your next stop.


No matter which hiking trail you choose on the Zirbitz, you will pass the power spots of the Mur Valley. Rippling mountain lakes exude a certain charm and have a power all of their own. Enjoy the peace and freshness!


What could be nicer than sitting down after a long hike and indulging yourself. Whether it's fortifying soups, hearty snacks or delicious strudel - there are plenty of places to stop for refreshments around the Zirbitz.

After a refreshment stop, a Swiss stone pine schnapps is of course a must - let the Zirbitz region melt in your mouth!