View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger

    Výletní cíle ve Štýrsku

    Vystoupejte vysoko na Dachstein, obdivujte Ledový palác a vychutnejte si nádherný výhled sahající od pohoří Niedere a Hohe Tauern až po Großglockner. Ponořte se do jedněch z devíti termálních lázní a pociťte léčivé účinky termální vody.

    Vyzkoušejte rozmazlující program v manufakturách, jako je Zotter, Gölles a spol., a na vinařských stezkách na jihu a východě Štýrska. Nechte se inspirovat kulturním programem opery ve městě Graz či historií, kterou poznáte na stezce vedoucí po hradech a zámcích zvané Schlösserstraße. Během jednodenních výletů po Štýrsku mohou turisté zažít mnohá dobrodružství, na slunci i v dešti, na jaře, v létě, na podzim i v zimě.

    Přečtěte si další informace o výletních cílech v anglickém jazyce.

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    rider´s paradise Ponyhof_horses_Eastern Styria | © Der Ponyhof Familienhotel und Reiterparadies
    • open today
    • Ratten

    Rider´s paradise Ponyhof

    A riding experience for the whole family, from beginners to advanced riders, awaits you at the Ponyhof riding paradise...
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    Preber | ©
    • open today
    • Krakau


    Alpine and yet green: The Preber in the climatic health resort area of ​​Styrian Krakau is one of the most popular...
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    Jause | © Heurigen Schenke Wolf, Manfred Wolf
    • Bad Gleichenberg

    Heuriger Wolf

    Comfortably sit together and enjoy in the wonderful covered wine arbor, we have 90 seats. Covered terrace in the...
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    Jungwinzer Stefan Hütter | © Stefan Hütter
    • St. Anna/Aigen

    Weingut & Buschenschank Hütter

    What is bottled here has a high quality standard. In the excellent Buschenschank of the family, the quality wines can...
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    P1030517 | © TVB Thermen- & Vulkanland
    • open today
    • Bad Gleichenberg

    Mammutbaum Wellingtonia

    The sequoia was planted in 1872 and has reached about 50 meters in height by May 2020 and has been provided with...
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    Mursteg | © Holzwelt Murau
    • open today
    • St. Georgen am Kreischberg

    Mursteg St. Ruprecht

    The footbridge over the Mur connects the train station and the cycle path with the center of St. Ruprecht and the wood...
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    Thermenhotel Stoiser | © Thermenhotel Stoiser
    • open today
    • Bad Loipersdorf

    Bike rental in the hotel Stoiser

    Cycling means filling up with energy with every pedal stroke and finding what you have mostly lost today: Time.
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    • Krakau

    Dorfmuseum Krakaudorf

    The village museum in Krakaudorf brings you closer to the culture of the valley. This is a former smoking room, whose...
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    Hiking in ApfelLand_Geierwand_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark/WEGES
    • open today
    • Stubenberg

    Hiking trails in ApfelLand-Stubenbergee

    Hiking among apple trees, castles and vineyards
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    Sauerbrunn | © Schilcherland Steiermark
    • open today
    • Stainz

    Heilquelle Bad Sauerbrunn

    The "Bad Sauerbrunn" refers to the well, from which the water of the Erzherzog-Johann-Quelle flows. This source is the...
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    Kinder erleben die Eisproduktion hautnah | © Valentino Eismanufaktur
    • Deutschlandsberg

    Valentino Speiseeis

    Our passion We make ice cream enjoyment a feast for the senses We produce the "Valentino ice cream" in traditional...
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    Brauerei Hausmi1 | © Hausmi
    • St. Stefan ob Stainz

    Hausmi Bier

    Welcome to the farm of the family Köberl vlg. Hausmi.
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