View of the Riegersburg from the Genusshotel | © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Harald Eisenberger


    Wspiąć się wysoko w górę – na Dachstein, aby zobaczyć Pałac Lodowy i wspaniałą panoramę Niskich i Wysokich Taurów aż po Großglockner. Lub odwrotnie – pozostać na dole i zanurzyć się w kojących wodach jednej z dziewięciu term Styrii, by poczuć ich kojące działanie.

    Wypróbować kulinarny program rozpieszczania podniebień w manufakturach takich jak Zotter, Gölles i podobnych, a także lokalach przy szlakach wina na południu i wschodzie Styrii. Znaleźć inspirację w programie kulturalnym Opery w Grazu czy w historii na Szlaku Zamków. Jednodniowe wycieczki po Styrii gwarantują mnóstwo wrażeń, w słońcu i w deszczu, wiosną, latem, jesienią i zimą.

    Szczegółowe informacje na temat atrakcji turystycznych w języku angielskim.

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    Leutgebkapelle Türe | © Holzwelt Murau
    • Murau

    Leutgeb Chapel

    The plague was the most serious medical event in known human history. Around a third of the European population fell...
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    Einblick in das Museum | © Stefan Leitner
    • open today
    • Wildalpen

    Museum HochQuellenWasser

    The HochQuellenWasser Museum in Wildalpen is interactive, multimedia and suitable for children.
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    • Fürstenfeld

    Pumpkin Fountain Fürstenfeld

    The pumpkin fountain stands for the connection between the town of Fürstenfeld and its surrounding communities and...
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    Raaburspung Signpost_Eastern Styria | © WEGES
    • open today
    • Passail

    Raabursprung-round trip

    The "Raab" rises north of Passail, at the foot of the Osser. The mystical river flows about 250 kilometers through...
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    Kronabeter Käse | © Hofkäserei Kronabeter
    • Wies

    Hofkäserei Kronabeter

    The Kronabeter farm cheese dairy offers everything a gourmet's heart desires. From chili and wild garlic cheese to...
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    Ice skating at the recreational lake_icestick_Eastern Styria | © Seegasthof Breineder
    • Waldbach-Mönichwald

    Ice-skating rink Mönichwald

    Take advantage of the 7500m² pure natural ice surface for optimal winter fun, whether for young or old.
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    Bergwanderführer Stefan Siedler | © Stefan  Leitner
    • Admont

    Bergwanderführer Stefan Siedler

    Experience nature on foot - hiking in the Gesäuse! For its visitors, the Gesäuse is more than an alpine hiking or...
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    Schlossbad Burgau | © Sandra Brünner
    • open today
    • Burgau

    Schlossbad Burgau

    Right next to the castle in Burgau is the Schlossbad Burgau with a natural pond. Already a long period the lido in...
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    Vorau Abbey_exterior view_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
    • open today
    • Vorau

    Augustinian Canons' Monastery Vorau

    Between the "Wechselmassiv" and its foothills in the north and the Masenberg in the south, the only remaining...
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    Bauernmarkt_1 | © Stadtgemeinde Fürstenfeld
    • Fürstenfeld

    Farmer's Market Fürstenfeld

    Companies from the region offer their goods such as fruit and vegetables, seed oil, smoked products, bread, honey and...
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    Mursteg | © Holzwelt Murau
    • open today
    • St. Georgen am Kreischberg

    Mursteg St. Ruprecht

    The footbridge over the Mur connects the train station and the cycle path with the center of St. Ruprecht and the wood...
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    • open today
    • Murau

    City walk through Murau

    On the trail of the minnesinger Ulrich von Liechtenstein, Anna Neumann and the Schwarzenberg dynasty, you will embark...
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