© Erlebnisregion Murtal | Anita Fössl © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Anita Fössl

I am a Murtaler - Weiermoarteich

Harmonious, natural and quiet, the Weiermoarteich lies at 916 metres above sea level at the foot of the Seckau Alps. It turns out to be a real power spot in every season. We visited it for "I bin a Murtaler".

For nature lovers the Weiermaorteich is exactly the right place - no matter what time of year it is. In spring, visitors can enjoy the fresh country air on a walk and admire the surrounding flora and fauna.


In summer, the pond invites you to take a cooling plunge into the refreshing water. Here, crowds and masses of bathers are a foreign word and everything is perfect for a relaxing day at the bathing pond.

A leisurely circular path through Seckau, past the imposing abbey, leads to the pond - here time seems to stand still and hikers can literally feel new energy and contentment spreading through their hearts on golden summer days.


In winter, the motto at the Weiermoarteich is "on your skates, get set, go". Sports enthusiasts can leave their tracks on the frozen pond here, surrounded by the thickly snow-covered winter landscape.


Erlebnisregion Murtal: "What connects you to the Murtal?"

Weiermoarteich: "My versatility, I would say. I'm worth a visit all year round! I hope that doesn't sound conceited now."


Erlebnisregion Murtal: "When do you feel the heartbeat in the Murtal?"

Weiermoarteich: "I feel the heartbeat most when I observe visitors recharging their batteries. Whether they're lolling in the sun, watching animals, doing sports and simply enjoying themselves - it makes me very happy when I notice that I'm smoothing for my guests."


Erlebnisregion Murtal: "Where is your favourite place in the Murtal?"

Weiermoarteich: "It's obvious, I just love my Seckau. The rural life, the peace and quiet, the naturalness - here I can just be me.“


If you want to enjoy pure nature too and really recharge your batteries, visit the Weiermoar pond in Seckau - the focus here is on enjoyment.



Market Town of Seckau

Marienplatz 4

8732 Seckau/STMK


Phone:0043 3514 5205

E-mail: gde@seckau.gv.at
