A different world

 THE gesäuse

Max Mauthner

your Gesäuse

Where the wild waters of the Salza and Enns meet the mighty rock faces of the Gesäuse mountains, the only Styrian national park meets the largest nature park in Styria and the thousand-year-old high culture of Admont Abbey meets the equally old folk culture, that's where the Gesäuse is. Whether it's hiking, mountaineering, white-water adventures or cultural enjoyment, the Gesäuse doesn't give you a checklist to tick off. It is a place of your own possibilities, so that you too can ultimately say. The Gesäuse gives you strength.

Holiday Planer

Place of strength 


The Gesäuse gives strength. And that in the truest sense of the word. We don't say that because it sounds good. No, we say it because we really mean it. There is power in tranquility and simplicity, as well as in athletic achievement. Also the conscious enjoyment of authentic regional specialties, the immersion in the almost thousand-year-old high culture of an Admont monastery and in a folk culture that is as old as it is alive - all this gives you strength.

You don't buy the Gesäuse at the lift ticket counter. The Gesäuse wants to be experienced by you with heart and soul. Whatever you have in mind, your dream experience is waiting behind the next click. The rest is up to you.


to know

Before you and the Gesäuse really get started, we have compiled the most important tips and information about the Gesäuse for you. If you still have questions, just contact our team - we will be happy to help you personally. 


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