Kajak - Canoe
Many colorful kayakers drift on the waters of the Gesaeuse, having the time of their lives. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, they pass bays with the finest sand and rocks made of mighty conglomerate. For many, the kayak is their favorite companion when exploring the Gesäuse. Because you have a very special view from the water.
The famous conglomerate gorge in the Salza can hardly be experienced better than by paddling. There is so much joy that you would love to do an Eskimo roll. Some people take it easy, others expect the big adventure. The best thing to do is to organize a kayak guide at the beginning, who will show you where the best challenges are waiting for you and how to master them in the best way. At this point, you can also get acquainted with techniques such as looping in and out, traversing, sweeping water, etc. Individual supervision from absolute professionals increases the fun factor and allows you to enjoy kayaking and canoeing with less stress. Exactly as it should be. The soul dangles on the hammock, while the body gives everything while paddling in the white water of the Enns or Salza.
Kajak - Canoe
get inspired
Pictures say more than a thousand words. And before you form your own picture of the Gesäuse, let us seduce you a bit visually. The rest will happen automatically on site. Because the Gesäuse has never left anyone untouched.