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Ideas for excursions

Whether young or old, everyone will find their excursion destination in the Styrian Gesäuse for a varied vacation. Whether sun or rain, numerous family hiking trails, exciting museums, cozy mountain pastures, the water adventure park, interesting caves and so much more is waiting to be discovered by you.

Das Köhlerzentrum direkt an der Enns in Hieflau | © Thomas Sattler
  • Landl

Charcoal Burning Centre Hieflau

In order to be drawn to this museum you first have to know what Köhlerei (German for charcoal burning) is all about....
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Im Pürgschachen Moor | © Christian Scheucher
  • Ardning

Pürgschachen Moor

The stretch between Admont and Liezen is home to a moor with peat layer that reaches up to seven metres in depth. It...
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Brunnsee Wildalpen | © Stefan Leitner
  • Wildalpen


A beautiful lake in a nature reserve combined with the Hochschwab massif, nothing can go wrong.
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Höhlenerlebnis in Johnsbach | © Stefan Leitner
  • Admont


Johnsbach and its cave As soon as the headlamps are on, the tour through the cave may begin. Add to that some good...
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In der 340 m langen Kraushöhle | © Stefan Leitner
  • Landl


It’s what's on the inside that counts Go on the short hike from Gams through Nothklamm Gorge and become a cave...
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Wassererlebnispark St. Gallen | © Stefan Leitner
  • St. Gallen

Waterpark St. Gallen

Red Rubber DinghyNot far from St. Gallen, water is the main theme - in a water park that offers so much variety it’s...
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Almmuseum Ardning | © Tourismusverband Gesäuse
  • Ardning

Almmuseum Ardning

In an idyllic location against the backdrop of the Bosruck Mountains, the Pfarrer- or Prentlhütte is situated at 1087...
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Einblick in das Museum | © Stefan Leitner
  • open today
  • Wildalpen

Museum HochQuellenWasser

The HochQuellenWasser Museum in Wildalpen is interactive, multimedia and suitable for children.
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Burg Strechau | © Thomas Sattler
  • Lassing

Burg Strechau

If Strechau Castle were a knight, it would sit right next to the king at the round table. The second largest castle in...
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Steinkugelmühle | © Stefan Leitner
  • Landl


Stone & Co In the stone ball mill at the exit of the Nothklamm gorge, there is virtually always a stone at work -...
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Willkommen im Forstmuseum Silvanum | © Stefan Leitner
  • open today
  • Landl

Forstmuseum Silvanum

Großreifling and its Silvanum. What exactly is that, you might ask? It’s an old granary, which was turned into the...
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Hochseilgarten in Palfau | © Freelife Outdoorsport GmbH
  • Landl

Hochseilgarten freelife

The high ropes course consists of 70 accessible stations divided into 7 courses of varying difficulty. Challenges can...
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