View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk
Never ending experiences in southern Styria

Excursions and Day Trips

Southern Styria not only provides culinary experiences, but also has a lot to tell in terms of its culture, history and customs. From Roman excavation sites to the oldest wine cellar in Europe and the Stainzer Flascherlzug (steam train) to lived Styrian customs, the range of excursion destinations and sights is extensive.

Visitors can experience a region that is proud of its thousand-year-old cultural heritage. Special mention must be made of the wine trails of southern Styria, which are not only characterised by the breathtaking wine landscape, but also by the uniqueness that one Buschenschank (wine tavern) follows the next.

You can also admire castles and palaces as well as museums, galleries and exhibitions where you can learn more about the Romans and Celts, and the history of the region. In countless manufactories you can look over the shoulders of the producers and find out how Styrian delicacies, ranging from pumpkin seed oil to lavender syrup, are made.

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Stadtweingut | © Stadtgemeinde Deutschlandsberg
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg


The Deutschlandsberg town winery is located in the middle of the Schilcher vineyards.
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Naturbadeteich Oberhaag | © Naturbadeteich Oberhaag
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  • Oberhaag

Naturbadeteich Oberhaag

It is a pleasure to relax in the shade of the trees or just let the sun caress you. Water, from time immemorial the...
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Klosterkirche mit Pestdenkmal | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
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  • Bad Schwanberg

Klosterkirche Bad Schwanberg

The monastery church of the former monastery (today's "Heilmoorbad") characterizes the townscape of Bad Schwanberg.
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Schloss Schwanberg mit Ausgrabungen der Altburg | © Bad Schwanberg
  • Bad Schwanberg

Schwanberg Castle

The Renaissance castle in Bad Schwanberg is a popular sight.
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Hietlbad Deutschlandsberg | © Stadtgemeinde Deutschlandsberg
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  • Deutschlandsberg

Hietlbad Deutschlandsberg

As a small but nice Nostalgiebad the Hietlbad is particularly appreciated. The pleasant water temperatures through a...
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Schoss Burgstall | © Gemeinde Wies
  • Wies

Schloss Burgstall

The first fortification on this place was probably built at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century....
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Unser Käse | © Handwerkskäserei Mago
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Handwerkskäserei Mago & Söhne

Our farm cheese business has been around for over a quarter of a century. We are very proud of this existence. We...
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Kind am Bike 3Eiben Kids Bike Park | © 3Eiben Kids Bike-Park
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  • Eibiswald

3Eiben Kids Bike - Park

In the so-called "Bürgerwald", near the outskirts of Eibswald, the 3Eiben Kids Bike Park offers plenty of...
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Bogenschießen | © Weiberhof OG
  • Großklein

Weiberhof | Bogenschießen lernen & trainieren

The Weiberhof is a place of encounter and recreation for women of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles. Vacation for...
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Ansicht Altburg Schwanberg | © Schilcherland Steiermark
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  • Bad Schwanberg

Altburg Schwanberg

Explore interesting traces of a fortification of the medieval market town of Schwanberg with the castle complex that...
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Tourismusverband | © Tourismusverband
  • open today
  • Eibiswald

Infobüro Eibiswald

Gentle, green hills as far as the eye can see. Here, at the western foothills of the Koralpe, on what is now the open...
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Loamtrattl | © Gemeinde Oberhaag
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  • Oberhaag

Loamtrattl - Barfußparcours

There is a Kneipp facility on the outskirts of Oberhaag near the Lieschenbach bridge, from the municipal office towards...
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Vorstand Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies | © Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies
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  • Wies

Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies

The cultural initiative sees itself as a platform for active cultural work in rural areas and develops and produces its...
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Lerchhaus Eibiswald | © Lerchhaus Eibiswald
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  • Eibiswald

Lerchhaus Eibiswald

The largest town house of the market, the corner house No. 82, still called "Lerchhaus", with its nine-window front is...
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Gewölbekeller | © Stelzl Franz
  • St. Johann im Saggautal

Feindestillerie Stelzl

The Feindestillerie is located in the heart of St. Johann im Saggautal in southern Styria. During a tasting in the...
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Pumptrack Eibiswald 1 | © Netwerker
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  • Eibiswald

3Eiben Pumptrack Eibiswald

The new pump track next to the adventure pool in Eibiswald offers cycling fun for every generation.
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Blick von der Burg Deutschlandsberg | © Schilcherland Steiermark
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  • Deutschlandsberg

Aussichtspunkt Burg Deutschlandsberg

A wonderful view over the vineyards of Deutschlandsberg.
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Freibad Schwanberg mit Rutschen | © Christian Freydl
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  • Bad Schwanberg

Freibad Bad Schwanberg

The outdoor pool area in Bad Schwanberg, which covers more than three hectares, offers a wide range of leisure...
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St. Veit Kapelle | © Gemeinde Wies
  • Wies

St. Veit-Kapelle

The renovated chapel is located in the district of Altenmarkt and is popular with guests and locals alike. It is a...
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Reimoser 039R | © Reimoser
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Steirischer Teichwirteverband Reimoser Helfried

Fish on over 30 species of fish
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Kapelle | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Maria Heimsuchung Kapelle

On a beautiful hill with an unobstructed view over the western Styrian hill country, the Maria Heimsuchung Chapel is an...
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  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Galerie Eveline in Deutschlandsberg

Painting seminars and painting trips only by appointment!
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Ulrike & Guntram Hamlitsch | © Fineart Photos by Andrea Schober
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  • Deutschlandsberg

Hamlitsch oil mill

Experience the exciting path from pumpkin seed to pumpkin seed oil and enjoy the variety of flavors of our products in...
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Fotopoint Etzendorf 1 | © Netwerker
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  • Wies

Aussichtspunkt RADELIKAT Wies

From the vantage point at Radelikat Genusstour you have a magnificent panoramic view all the way to the Slovenian...
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria