24 Stunden Wanderung | © Koralm24 24 Stunden Wanderung | © Koralm24

Sat., 17/08/2024 from 09:00 o'clock


The 24 hours hiking event on the Koralpe

80km, 3500Hm and no cap sleep!

A hike that leads from the wine plain to the summit of the Koralm and over the scenic West Styrian hill and mountain forms to Bad Schwanberg and via the Handalm back again. A journey that all start together, but yet each / everyone has to go alone. The tour is not a race, but still a challenge, an adventure, a borderline experience for body and mind. At the Koralm24 pilgrims, long-distance hikers, extreme and recreational athletes - women and men from different regions and nations - meet to feel together the limits of their physical endurance, to fully exploit their potential of willpower, to experience themselves and all others in extreme situations. Those who sign up for the 24-hour hike should be well trained and listen to their bodies. Breaks are of course planned, but there will be no sleeping during the night. Most important is drink, eat, drink, eat, drink and eat. Numerous alpine huts and food stations along the way provide regular energy supply and thus also light marching luggage.

The hike is organized by the Koralm24 association with Hans Eggbauer and his team.

Koralm24 E-Mail: office@koralm24.at

Web: www.koralm24.at

Tel.: +43 (0) 664 15 14 117

Date and time

Sat., 17/08/2024
Starts at: 09:00 O'clock

Event location

Bad Schwanberg - Bad Schwanberg


Weinebene Schi-, Snowboard-, und Langlaufgebiet
Obergösel 18
9413 Bad Schwanberg