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Events in southern Styria

If there is one thing that people in southern Styria are particularly good at, it's celebrating festivals all year round. The cultural heritage and the customs of an entire region are never left out of sight, with  wine and culinary delights usually being the center of attention.

In addition to the Styrian Wine Week in Leibnitz, the Schilcher Days in Stainz or the Wine Culinarium in Leutschach an der Weinstraße in summer, the traditional wine harvest festivals take center stage in autumn.

Not only indulgence seekers get their money's worth, but also culture and sports enthusiasts. Events such as "Schillern" in the district of Deutschlandsberg or the Jazz Festival in Leibnitz are known beyond the state borders, just like the Welschlauf, which attracts ambitious runners from all over Austria to southern Styria.

Musik | © AdobeStock_234144801

Sänger- und Musikantenstammtisch

07 Jun. - 02 Nov. 2024
from 17:00 o'clock
Music enthusiasts welcome
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Dämmerschoppen - Trachtenkapelle Oberhaag

05 Jul. 2024
from 19:00 o'clock
The annual twilight pint of the Trachtenkapelle Oberhaag takes place again this year.
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05 Jul. 2024
from 19:00 o'clock
On Friday, 05.07.2024, will be made at the Eibiswalder main square for the common celebration!
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Suedsteiermark | © Tom Lamm

Italienischer Abend

St. Martin im Sulmtal
28 Jun. - 30 Aug. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Doce Vita at Karpfenwirt
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Gartenparty | © der Literwirt

Garten-Party Extravaganza

06 Jul. 2024
from 16:00 o'clock
Kitchenparty - Music - Cocktails
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Leutschach an der Weinstraße
06 Jul. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Award-winning chef and Istrian expat Tom Riederer returns to his home town of Leutschach for a summer evening.
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Alten- und Krankenwallfahrt | © Rotes Kreuz Arnfels

Alten- und Krankenwallfahrt

06 Jul. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
Holy Mass in the parish church "Maria am grünen Waasen", Arnfels
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07 Jul. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
The Oberhaag Women's Movement cordially invites you to Strudel Sunday!
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Im weißen Rössl am Wolfgangsee

04 - 20 Jul. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
A Dream in Kitsch - A Singspiel in Three Acts
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Wein | © Tom Lamm


12 Jul. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
The male choral society invites you to a twilight pint
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Brass | © Martinhof

Brass am Hof

St. Martin im Sulmtal
13 Jul. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
A summer evening with laid-back brass, folk and brass music
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Turmbauerkogel | © Karlheinz Strohmaier

Wanderung zum Turmbauerkogel

14 Jul. 2024
from 10:00 o'clock
Exciting hike for the hole family!
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FF Maltschach | © FF Maltschach

Straßenfest & Frühschoppen der FF Maltschach

20 - 21 Jul. 2024
from 19:00 o'clock
Soon the Maltschach street festival will take place again.
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Geschwister Lampl | © René Böhmer

Zarte Banden - Jammeregg II

St. Martin im Sulmtal
25 Jul. - 10 Aug. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
Theater summer at Mathanshof
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Remschniggalmhütte | © TV Südsteiermark

Remschniggalm Almfest

Leutschach an der Weinstraße
28 Jul. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
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Asynchrome | © Marleen Leitner und Michael Schitnig

Ausstellung: studio ASYNCHROME - Body Works

St. Martin im Sulmtal
01 Mar. - 31 Jul. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
exhibition in Greith Haus
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Anja Asel | © Greith Haus

Ausstellung: Role Models

St. Martin im Sulmtal
27 Jun. - 31 Jul. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
An exhibition project by the Felin association in 2023 and 2024.
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Wein Peiserhof | © Peiserhof

Peiserhof Fest

03 Aug. 2024
from 12:00 o'clock
The anticipation is great - this year the legendary Peiserhof festival is taking place again!
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Weindörfl1 | © TV Südsteiermark _ Pixelmaker

Großkleiner Weindörfl

14 - 17 Aug. 2024
from 17:00 o'clock
The Großklein Winegrowers' Association invites you to the 35th Großklein Wine Village.
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Arnfels "on FIRE"

24 Aug. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
150th anniversary of the Arnfels FF!
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Theatergruppe St. Hans | © KultUrkreis St. Johann i.S.

Sommertheater 2024 "Überleben für Anfänger"

St. Johann im Saggautal
25 Aug. - 07 Sep. 2024
from 14:14 o'clock
Comedy by Regina Reichert
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Aufwiesern | © Wieser Weinbauern


13 Jun. - 29 Aug. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Spend a pleasant summer evening with a good sip of wine and let us spoil you with regional delicacies.
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Cocktail | © Distillery Kraus

Cocktail- Abende Distillery Kraus

St. Martin im Sulmtal
24 May. - 30 Aug. 2024
from 17:00 o'clock
We create our spirits consciously for your moment of pleasure
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Pfarrfest in Arnfels

01 Sep. 2024
from 09:00 o'clock
A warm invitation to the Arnfels parish festival!
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria