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Events in southern Styria

If there is one thing that people in southern Styria are particularly good at, it's celebrating festivals all year round. The cultural heritage and the customs of an entire region are never left out of sight, with  wine and culinary delights usually being the center of attention.

In addition to the Styrian Wine Week in Leibnitz, the Schilcher Days in Stainz or the Wine Culinarium in Leutschach an der Weinstraße in summer, the traditional wine harvest festivals take center stage in autumn.

Not only indulgence seekers get their money's worth, but also culture and sports enthusiasts. Events such as "Schillern" in the district of Deutschlandsberg or the Jazz Festival in Leibnitz are known beyond the state borders, just like the Welschlauf, which attracts ambitious runners from all over Austria to southern Styria.

Wanderung Klapotetz | © CDM Incoming

Augustini Wanderung

St. Stefan ob Stainz
24 Aug. 2024
from 08:45 o'clock
Experience an atmospheric hike with lots of surprises and tastings. | By reservation only!
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Flascherlzug | © Riffel Helmuth

Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug und Verkostung der Fa. Messner

06 Apr. - 19 Oct. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
According to the motto: "Wiaschtl im Zug, bringt Gaudi genug!" | Train ride with Messner tasting
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Vortrag: Franz Schuh - Wie kommt Neues in die Welt?

St. Stefan ob Stainz
30 Aug. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
Franz Schuh - writer, essayist and philosopher - explores the emergence of the new in art and creative processes.
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Schilcherlauf mit Schlossblick | © TV Südsteiermark - Gölles FC Sauzipf

Schilcherlauf in der Marktgemeinde Stainz

30 Aug. - 01 Sep. 2024
from 17:00 o'clock
THE running event this year for the 34th time! | Enjoy the unique atmosphere at this Schilcherlauf!
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Kind | © TV Süsteiermark - Robert Kneschke

Lese- und Spielefest in der Festhalle Stallhof

07 Sep. 2024
from 10:00 o'clock
The family-friendly community and the Stainz library invite you to this festival!
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Mais | © TV Südsteiermark - Lupi Spuma

Wege in die Zukunft: "Filme die Mut machen"

St. Stefan ob Stainz
08 Sep. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
Film screening: "Seeds in our hands" followed by a discussion and tasting of regional organic specialties.
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Marktgemeinde Stainz | © Rudi Tischler

Lesereihe Les:BAR - Junge Autor:innen im Gespräch

20 Sep. 2024
from 16:00 o'clock
Stieglerhaus St. Stefan on the road - Mobile literature format
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Flascherlzug | © Riffel Helmuth

Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug - Schilcher-Sturm-Fahrt

20 Sep. - 18 Oct. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
With musical accompaniment and regional delicacies!
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Lesereihe Les:BAR Finale - Junge Autor:innen im Gespräch

St. Stefan ob Stainz
26 Sep. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
Final reading - mobile literature format
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Stieglerhaus | © TV Südsteiermark - Irene Löschnig

Literaturfestival: "Worte bewegen"

St. Stefan ob Stainz
27 - 29 Sep. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
With award ceremony for the "Austrian Literature Prize for Short Stories"
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Schloss Stainz

Steirische Stifts- und Schlosskonzerte - "Lieben Sie Wien..?"

18 Oct. 2024
from 18:30 o'clock
Beethoven, Kreisler, Strauss, Hödl…
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Flascherlzug | © Riffel Helmuth

Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug - Junker-Fahrt

25 Oct. - 09 Nov. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
With musical accompaniment and regional delicacies!
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Junkerwanderung Trapl | © CDM Claudia Dunst


St. Stefan ob Stainz
02 Nov. 2024
from 12:30 o'clock
The Junkerwanderung takes us accompanied by the wine queen "Sophie I" from Junkerwinzer to Junkerwinzer and we march...
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Refektorium Stainz | © CDM Claudia Dunst

Junkerfest Stainz

09 Nov. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Probably the most beautiful Junkerfest in Styria.
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Flascherlzug | © Riffel Helmuth

Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug - Glühwein-Fahrt

29 Nov. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
With musical accompaniment and regional delicacies!
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Flascherlzug | © TV Schilcherland

Nikolaus-Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug

06 - 08 Dec. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Experience an unforgettable afternoon with your children on the St. Nicholas and Krampus ride with the Stainzer...
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Miuseumsbesuch | © TV Südsteiermark - Adobe Stock_236821057

Jagdkultur in all ihren Facetten

26 May. - 31 Dec. 2025
from 10:00 o'clock
Experience the culture and history of hunting, knowledge of nature to amaze, Styrian agriculture and forestry from...
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria