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Events in southern Styria

If there is one thing that people in southern Styria are particularly good at, it's celebrating festivals all year round. The cultural heritage and the customs of an entire region are never left out of sight, with  wine and culinary delights usually being the center of attention.

In addition to the Styrian Wine Week in Leibnitz, the Schilcher Days in Stainz or the Wine Culinarium in Leutschach an der Weinstraße in summer, the traditional wine harvest festivals take center stage in autumn.

Not only indulgence seekers get their money's worth, but also culture and sports enthusiasts. Events such as "Schillern" in the district of Deutschlandsberg or the Jazz Festival in Leibnitz are known beyond the state borders, just like the Welschlauf, which attracts ambitious runners from all over Austria to southern Styria.

Bluebirds Friday: Crossing Stings | © achromaticphotography

Bluebirds Friday: Crossing Strings

11 Oct. 2024
from 20:00 o'clock
Let Carina Maria Linder and Markus Schlesinger whisk you away to unknown musical spheres.
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Maibaum | © FF Gamlitz

Maibaumumlegen der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Gamlitz

12 Oct. 2024
from 12:00 o'clock
Traditional maypole cutting on the market square in Gamlitz, Storm & Chestnut ...
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Publikum | © achromaticphotography

Tenor trifft Akkordeon

Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße
13 Oct. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
From classical music to the Wienerlied - with a focus on Austrian composers...
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Harry Sokal - Groove Unlimited | © achromaticphotography

Harry Sokal - Groove Unlimited

16 Oct. 2024
from 20:00 o'clock
Anniversary concert for the "70 years of Harry Sokal" tour
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Johannes Silberschneider | © achromaticphotography

Johannes Silberschneider mit dem Duo Migro

Lebring-St. Margarethen
17 Oct. 2024
from 20:00 o'clock
Let yourself be whisked away into an evening full of suspense and fantasy!
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Schloss Stainz

Steirische Stifts- und Schlosskonzerte - "Lieben Sie Wien..?"

18 Oct. 2024
from 18:30 o'clock
Beethoven, Kreisler, Strauss, Hödl…
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Erntedank | © TV Südsteiermark


Bad Schwanberg
20 Oct. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Magnificent harvest festival parade in Bad Schwanberg, which only takes place every 5 years.
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Weinberg Klassik | © @Christian Jungwirt, @Bogenberger

Weinberg Klassik am Hochzeitsweingut Kranachberg

23 Oct. 2024
from 19:00 o'clock
Wine and music - a millennia-old combination that guarantees an upbeat and entertaining evening. It is precisely this...
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Kistenfleisch | © TV Südsteiermark

Kistenfleisch mit Livemusik - Weinkulinarium Tscheppe-Kapun

25 Oct. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Box meat with live music
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Flascherlzug | © Riffel Helmuth

Fahrt mit dem Stainzer Flascherlzug - Junker-Fahrt

25 Oct. - 09 Nov. 2024
from 15:00 o'clock
With musical accompaniment and regional delicacies!
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Kernöl | © Achromatic Photography

Offenes Schaupressen - Ölmühle Pronegg

07 Apr. - 30 Oct. 2024
from 11:00 o'clock
Free experience guide
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Veranstaltung | © TV Südsteiermark achromaticphotography


31 Oct. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
Never again Waldemar
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Great Austrian Songbook - Alte Klosterschule

31 Oct. 2024
from 20:00 o'clock
From Mozart to Falco!
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Keller - Küche - Kemenate

15 Jul. - 31 Oct. 2024
from 10:00 o'clock
The focus is on the latest archaeological findings and the information gained from them about life at the castle, which...
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Eckbergerhof | © Eckbergerhof

Wildwoche im Eckbergerhof

28 Oct. - 02 Nov. 2024
from 12:00 o'clock
It is once again WILD in the Eckbergerhof! Enjoy with us the best game dishes from local forests! www.eckbergerhof.at
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Junkerwanderung Trapl | © CDM Claudia Dunst


St. Stefan ob Stainz
02 Nov. 2024
from 12:30 o'clock
The Junkerwanderung takes us accompanied by the wine queen "Sophie I" from Junkerwinzer to Junkerwinzer and we march...
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Gravel | © Stiefkind Fotografie


01 - 03 Nov. 2024
from 08:00 o'clock
Anyone who thinks they have to winterize their bike in the fall has never been to southern Styria. Thanks to the...
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Publikum | © achromaticphotography

FilmAbend der Amateure

Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße
08 Nov. 2024
from 19:00 o'clock
With Arnulf Kröll & friends
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Weinlandhof | © TV Südsteiermark

Junkerverkostung im Hotel Weinlandhof

09 Nov. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Look forward to the new vintage and taste with us the best Junkers from selected wineries. You can easily take your...
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Eckbergerhof | © Eckbergerhof

Martini Gansl im Eckbergerhof

09 - 11 Nov. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Freshly prepared goose or goose menu (with starter, goose with side dishes, dessert) - also possible with wine...
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Refektorium Stainz | © CDM Claudia Dunst

Junkerfest Stainz

09 Nov. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
Probably the most beautiful Junkerfest in Styria.
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AdobeStock | © artemstepanov

Gansl Tage

06 - 12 Nov. 2024
from 11:30 o'clock
From 6 to 11 November there's pasture goose from the Bachbauer from Eibiswald.
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10 Jahre Big Band George & Wolf | © achromaticphotography

10 Jahre Big Band George & Wolf

15 Nov. 2024
from 20:00 o'clock
Anniversary concert - a BEST OF
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Wein | © TV Südsteiermark

Raritäten, Rieden und Winzersekte

16 Nov. 2024
from 16:00 o'clock
In cooperation with Aperitivo - the italian-styrian pop-up-bar
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria