Stage 8: Way of St. James Western Styria
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From the Weintrattl junction we follow the signs for the Jakobsweg (Way of St. James) and the markings of the European Long Distance Trails 03/06 and hike downhill towards Lavamünd. Pass the farmsteads of the Lorenzenberg Jankitz, Rechberger (chapel) and Roth to the former Strohmaier inn, where we make a detour to the church of St. Lorenzen. We then continue downhill, crossing the Multererbach stream for the first time, where we reach the Jamnik estate after a few minutes. A few hundred metres after the estate, we leave the road again and walk through a forest to the Hornig cross. We walk along the road for a short distance, follow the red-white-red markings down to the left along the edge of the forest - go down through the forest to the stream and walk along the Multererbach stream. At the end of the ditch, the Jakobsweg Weststeiermark meets the existing southern Austrian Jakobsweg. At the next farm, we walk between the stable and the residential house and after about 10 min. reach the Soboth road, famous among motorcyclists, which we follow downhill until the right-hand bend. There we take the hiking trail above the road, parallel to it. The last few metres to Lavamünd are on the road again. Immediately after the town sign, at the intersection with the Drautal federal road, you will find the Hüttenwirt, the first place to spend the night.
Arriving in Lavamünd, we have reached the end of the West Styrian Way of St. James. We have covered a total of 151.5km and can look back on 8 stages.
At each stage destination and at each St. James church along the West Styrian Way of St. James, there is a pilgrim's stone that indicates the kilometres still to be walked until the end of the pilgrimage in Santiago de Compostela. At the "Pilgerkastln" along the Way of St. James, we have the opportunity to write down our thoughts and experiences in a book.
Pilgrim stamp sites:
- Soboth: Pilgrims' Inn Mörth and Alpine Inn Messner
- Lavamünd: Hüttenwirt
Hauptplatz 40
A-8530 Deutschlandsberg
Tel +43 3462 7520
Verein zur Förderung der steirischen Jakobswege
Reinhold Waldhaus
Tel. +43 676 3911185
The themed hiking folder and the district-wide hiking map of Deutschlandsberg can be ordered free of charge online at www.schilcherland.at. ONLINE TOURS APPAll hiking tours can be found online at www.schilcherland.at/bewegung or via APP South & West Styria Tours in their app store.