Drachensitz und Ägydiuskapelle, Fischbach
This partially rather demanding circular route - mainly through shady forests - leads over the shrine promenade to the dragon's seat and back over a somewhat steep climb past the Ägydius Chapel.
A very varied path that offers a lot, from traces of a dragon to St. Ägydius, the Fischbach parish patron.
The tour in numbers
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From Vienna, take the A2 Südautobahn highway and the S6 Semmering expressway to the Kindberg exit. Here through the Stanzertal valley on the Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 to Fischbach.
From Graz via the Weizer-Bundesstraße B72 to Birkfeld and from here via the Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 to Fischbach.
From Linz/Salzburg/Munich via the Pyhrnautobahn A9 and the Semmering-Schnellstraße S6 to the Kindberg exit. Continue as above.
Further information is here.
- We start our tour at the village square in Fischbach
- From here we walk past the church in the direction of the elementary school
- There we cross the road to the cemetery and turn right into Roseggersiedlung
- Here we walk slightly uphill until we turn left following the yellow markings onto path no. 2
- A shady forest path with fragrant conifers leads us to the wayside shrine “Faschingbauer Kreuz” and then on to the dragon's seat
- The traces of a dragon and a wonderful view of Eastern Styria await us there
- Here we enjoy the view from the benches before continuing to the right after a short, very steep connecting path to hiking trail no. 3
- After a few serpentines, we come to the country road, where we keep left and after approx. 50 m turn right onto trail no. 6 towards Oberdissau
- On the so-called Ägydiweg/Schafbrand (path no. 6) we walk past the Ägydiuskapelle chapel along a steep forest path back to the starting poi
Fischbach also offers many places to stop for refreshments and a great swimming pond with a mini golf course.
Fischbach | © Tourismus Fischbach | Tourismus Fischbach
Ägydiweg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Drachensitz | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Birgit Kandlbauer
Freizeitland Fischbach | © Ortsentwicklungsverein Sagenhaft Fischbach | Ortsentwicklungsverein Sagenhaft Fischbach
Königlicher Urlaub in Fischbach | © Ortsentwicklungsverein Sagenhaft Fischbach | Kurt Elmleitner
Entlang vom Fischbach | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Minigolf Fischbach_court_Eastern Styria | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark | Sarah Schweiger
What the weather will be like
Fischbach (992m)
Rather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
Rather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
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