Craft trail (Handwerksweg)
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The "tree of life" as a trademark testifies to a craft tradition going back a long way around the four churches of Straden. From the church square we walk along the Friedlstiege in the direction of the cemetery, past the sculptures further along the Stiegenweg. These sculptures were designed by the Lebenshilfe workshop in Straden.
Halfway up, we turn right and, passing Weinhof Tropper, reach the road coming from Straden towards Marktl, which we follow to the crossroads. Over the slight crest of the Butscherlberg we turn right into the forest and reach, via the "Schwammerlwald" rest area, an energy site at the Sudy country house, which also has a wonderful swimming pond.
Further our hike leads us to the storage place of the "Meisterstraßenbetrieb" Steinmetz Rauch with basalt refinement, past to the panorama place with information board, a wonderful viewpoint on Straden and good resting place. Via a field path along vegetable and pumpkin fields and the old Kronnersdorf church path we come to Kronnerberg, from where we can also enjoy a beautiful view of the churches of Straden. There is also a picnic table ready - are we already in the mood for the delicacies of the region. Not far from here is the studio of Hans and Gertrude Lamprecht, who also furnish the nearby Saziani Stub'n with sculptures and artistic works, and the master painter Leitgeb. From the Kronnerberg we come to the Kirchwald, we follow the Sazianiweg in the direction of the sports field and reach Himberg. Over the Schwemm we reach the "Meisterstraßenbetrieb" Hackerglas again Straden. In a short time we have reached our starting point again and can enjoy the view of Straden.
Timetables and travel information can be found directly at: Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Steiermärkische Landesbahnen (STLB), www.busbahnbim.at.
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Gästeinfo Bad Gleichenberg
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Str. 1/top 4
8344 Bad Gleichenberg
+43 3382 55 100-44
Hiking map available in the market town of Straden and in the guest information Bad Gleichenberg. We don't know any literature for this path yet! Write us if you have already found something.