Großer Ringkogel from the Reicherhube
From the Reicherhuber we hike via the Wolfsgrube to the Repenstein, 1958 m. Above the tree line, the signposted trail leads steadily uphill, first to the Kleiner Ringkogel and then to the Großer Ringkogel, 2277 metres. A characteristic mountain tour along the broad mountain ridges in the Seckau Alps in the
Murtal adventure region.
The hike leads via the Wolfsgrube to the Repenstein and on to the large Ringkogel. In the lower section we are in the forest area, at the "Siebenbauern" we come to a dense mountain pine area and from the Repenstein we hike over the ascending mountain ridge to the large Ringkogel.
The tour in numbers
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Knittelfeld-Gaal-Gaalgraben- Ingering II - direction Ingeringsee.
Once back in the Gaal, the Reicherhube is a great place to visit!Hiking maps are available free of charge in the municipality of Gaal or in the box at the car park. Please note the spear times on the access road towards Ingeringstraße. Information -
Municipality of Gaal
There is a car park next to the Praterbrücke.
ReicherHube Gaal-Murtal-Steiermark | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Reicherhube
Gipfel Ringkogel in der Gaal | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Helene Steiner
großer ringkogel von der reicherhube_img_17361862 | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Manuela Machner
Blühender Erika | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Martin Muhrer
großer ringkogel von der reicherhube_img_94997344 | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Martin Muhrer
What the weather will be like
Gaal (874m)
At first sleet, then rain showers, and finally drying up and sunny spells in the afternoon.
Maybe rain mixed with snow at daybreak, then rain for most of the day.
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