Schilcherland Specialities
The table is set with all the delicacies that our farmers produce from this beautiful corner of the earth. The clean soil, the pure water, the healthy air and the warm climate favour the wealth of excellent products. Here are the treasures that make life worth living - life tastes good!
Unadulterated products that convey the value and quality of life of Schilcherland - that is the goal. The quality seal "Schilcherland Spezialitäten" (Schilcherland Specialities) covers all precious products that can be found under one roof; there is no need to question its fantastic quality. It smells delightful, it melts in your mouth, it tastes perfect - a paradise for gourmets who are looking for a real treat.
„One for you, one for me. Precious are the products that the people of Schilcherland produce.“
Schilcherland Specialities Quality Seal
Come with us on an unforgettable, delicious culinary journey through Schilcherland! Taste your way through the variety of excellent products. Not only wine is available in Schilcherland, but also Craft beer and even non-alcoholic beverages such as Schilcher grape juice are a joy to drink. Pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin seed beer, scarlet runner beans and many other unknown and well-known products as one of the many ways to get to know and love the taste of the south.