The origin of the name "Brandweg" cannot be traced with certainty, but it probably dates back to the time of the Brandkorn cultivation. The fresh slashes were burned and cultivated with buckwheat or rye. The ash has the property to act as phosphorus fertilizer.
Best season
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From the south: Via Graz on the A9 to Knoten Deutschfeistritz, continue on the S35 to Bruck/Mur.
From Germany: Via Salzburg on the A9/Pyhrnautobahn (to Knoten St. Michael) in the direction of Leoben to Bruck/Mur.
Arrival details are available here.
1st May to 1st November (hiking season): Monday to Sunday
2nd November to 30th April: ONLY from Monday to Friday
Timetables and travel information can be found directly at:
Österreichischen Bundesbahnen (ÖBB)
Steiermärkischen Landesbahnen (STLB)
With the BusBahnBim app of the Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier: all bus, train and tram connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.
Daily fee: € 6,00
Tourist office
8700 Leoben; Hauptplatz 3
Phone: +43 3842 481 4 810
Tourist office TRAGÖSS - GRÜNER SEE
8612 Tragöß - St. Katharein, Oberort 45
Phone: +43 3868 8330