Leoben to Präbichl
From here the route continues through witnesses to centuries of mining history, partly along side roads and partly along the B 115 federal road to the Präbichl Passhöhe and the Präbichlerhof inn.
From Vordernberg, the route runs for the most part along the B115 federal road.
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From the main square in Leoben, the second largest city in Styria, you cycle via the Donawitz district along the R38 Iron Road Cycle Path (next to the busy main road) via Sankt Peter Freienstein and Trofaiach to the main square in Vordernberg.
Along the route you learn interesting facts about iron extraction. On the one hand, one of the most modern iron and steelworks in the world is located at the start in Leoben, on the other hand, the Styrian Iron Road can tell you a lot about the past. You pass old stone blast furnaces and wheel mills where pig iron used to be extracted.
From the main square in Vordernberg near the UNESCO World Heritage Site Radwerk IV, the route continues along the B 115 federal road to the Präbichler Hof inn.RETURN:
From the Präbichler Hof inn, you cycle back along the B115 federal road towards Vordernberg with its numerous monuments of mining history.
From the main square in Vordernberg you cycle back along the R 38 to the main square in Leoben, where you can enjoy a cool refreshment in one of the numerous restaurants.