Marienklamm in Tragöß
Starting point of the hike is the parking lot "Grüner See". From there the trail leads to Tragöß-Oberort and north along the asphalt road into the Haringgraben, from where after about 1 km the trail to the Marienklamm turns left. After a few minutes' walk through the forest, you will find the entrance to the gorge. Along the road a little further up, you can also descend into the Marienklamm via a high bridge. The narrow gorge stretches about 300 meters and has a unique population of rare and endangered plants.
Best season
The tour in numbers
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From the south: Via Graz on the A9 to Knoten Deutschfeistritz, continue on the S35 to Bruck/Mur.
From Germany: Via Salzburg on the A9/Pyhrnautobahn (to Knoten St. Michael) in the direction of Leoben to Bruck/Mur.
Arrival details are available here.
Als Routen-Variante hat man auch die Möglichkeit, vor oder nach der Marienklamm über den Kamplsteig zu wandern.
1st May to 1st November (hiking season): Monday to Sunday
2nd November to 30th April: ONLY from Monday to Friday
Timetables and travel information can be found directly at:
Österreichischen Bundesbahnen (ÖBB)
Steiermärkischen Landesbahnen (STLB)
With the BusBahnBim app of the Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier: all bus, train and tram connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.
Daily fee: € 6,00
Tourismusinformation TRAGÖSS - GRÜNER SEE
Fremdenverkehrs- und Verschönerungsverein Tragöß - St. Katharein
8612 Tragöß - St. Katharein, Oberort 45
Telefon: +43 3868 8330
Tourismusverband ERZBERG LEOBEN
8700 Leoben, Hauptplatz 3
Telefon: +43 3842 481 4 810