
Rathaus Leoben
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben +43 3842 4062 0 +43 3842 4062 320 Send email Website
What guests can look forward to
About the region
Leoben, home of the Montanuniversität, is located directly on the Murradweg R2, one of the most beautiful river cycle routes in Austria. The city is the ideal starting point to explore the ERZBERG LEOBEN region in greater detail. After an exciting day full of adventures, guests enjoy a glass of Gösser beer in one of the many cosy pubs on Leoben's main square, before retiring to one oft he cozy rooms in Leoben’s privately run hotels.
Those who want to learn more about Leoben’s history, take a digital guided tour through the old town of Leoben, accompanied by Archduke Johann’s voice. He digitally guides through "his" Leoben and presents a city full of contrasts.
From Leoben's local mountain, the Mugel, it is only a stone's throw to Austria's oldest continuously operating theater, the Stadttheater Leoben. A few steps further you will find the „Kulturquartier“ and also those seeking relaxation visit the Asia Spa Leoben.
Tradition and modernity, nature and culture merge into a balanced unity and make up the special charm of Styrias second largest city, Leoben.