Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Here turn right in the direction of Murau. In Niederwölz turn right towards Oberwölz.
Coming from Murau via Teufenbach to Niederwölz, turn left towards Oberwölz.
Coming from Tamsweg, drive via Ranten, to St. Peter am Kammersberg and via Pöllau am Greim to Oberwölz.
The starting point for this tour is the church forecourt in Oberwölz. From there, take the L512 state road in the direction of Winklern. At the end of Oberwölz turn left towards Wieden/Hinterburg. There you continue on the cycle path to Winklern. Here you drive a short distance on the state road in the direction of the end of Winklern. Then take the cycle path that runs along the main road. Then continue on the state road in the direction of Pöllau am Greim.
On the right side you will come to the Eselberg exit, staying on the state road. After that the road starts to climb. After about 100 meters a path leads to the left over a bridge, here you turn off and follow the path always uphill until you come to the Mühltrattte at 1080 meters. Now you have reached the highest point of the tour.
From there you go downhill again towards St. Peter am Kammersberg. The destination is the market place in St. Peter am Kammersberg. From here you have the option to continue either in the direction of Katsch an der mur or the direction of Murau.
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