FAQ - Murau guestcard
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone. You may also find the answer to your questions here.
Guests receive the Murau GuestCard at check-in with overnight stays in one of the designated GuestCard partner businesses.
The GuestCard is included for guests who have booked with a GuestCard partner accommodation.
No, the Murau GuestCard cannot be purchased. You only receive the Murau GuestCard at check-in for overnight stays in one of the designated GuestCard partner businesses.
The Murau GuestCard is valid for the entire stay for overnight stays in one of the designated GuestCard partner businesses in the period from 1 May to 2 November on the day of arrival from 2.00 pm.
The Murau GuestCard is issued by the GuestCard partner accommodation at check-in on the day of arrival in the form of a peel card.
The Murau GuestCard allows free entry to over 25 excursion destinations in the Murau region, as well as discounts at popular excursion destinations in and outside the Murau region. These include mountain railways, museums, leisure and sports facilities, swimming pools, nature experiences and public transport.
All accommodations that are GuestCard partner accommodations can be found here: Murau GuestCard search and book businesses | Murau region (steiermark.com)
The list of excursion destinations that are inclusive and bonus partners of the Murau GuestCard can be found at: Murau GuestCard excursion destinations| Murau region (steiermark.com)
The Murau GuestCard information brochure is available at the information offices in the Murau region. It can also be sent to you in advance.
One of the 25 free experiences can be visited or used free of charge per day. In addition, many excursion destinations offer discounts to guests with a valid GuestCard if the free admission has already been used up. The discounts on the GuestCard can also be used in addition to the free experiences.
No, please dispose of the Murau GuestCard properly after your holiday.
Each mountain railway can be used once per stay.