From the Vögeialm to the Oberhüttensee
We reach the Vögeilalm by turning off the Ennstal road in Pichl, following signs for Forstau and driving through Forstau Valley until we reach its remotest corner, the Vögeialm.
We reach the Vögeilalm by turning off the Ennstal road in Pichl, following signs for Forstau and driving through Forstau Valley until we reach its remotest corner, the Vögeialm.
From the Vögeialm, a road takes us up a series of long, moderately steep switchbacks to the Oberhüttensee. But there is also an alpine trail, which leads us across meadows, alongside the stream and through the forest to the lake. The beautiful hut and the impressive mountain scenery surrounding the lake make this a popular destination for families. We would also recommend turning this hike into a loop, hiking on through countryside teeming with variety to the Seekarscharte in the Radstädter Tauern. Beautiful flora, numerous small tarns, along with the magnificent sight of the Steirische & Lungauer Kalkspitze, make this stage truly magical. We then cross alpine pastures and come to an alpine gap, where we are treated to views of the Dachstein and Obertauern. Here trail No. 769 branches off to the north in the direction of the Klamml. Our hike down takes us past yet another lake below the steep mountainsides of the Sonntagskarwand, then through forest and down many rocky stages, to the pastures of the Sonntagskaralm and our original starting point at the Vögeialm.
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From the Ennstal Bundesstraße B320 branch off to Forstau (at Pichl). Through the Forstautal to the Vögeialm.
Hiking bus Radstadt-Forstau.
Oberhuetten See | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Susanna Collavo
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