Via Natura entire route
The Via Natura is divided into 10 stages of different length and different levels that tell the following themes:
Stage 1: NatureLearning (Neumarkt-St. Marein)
Stage 2: Nature as a source of inspiration - bionics (St. Marein - Zeutschach)
Stage 3: The essence of water (Zeutschach - St. Lambrecht)
Stage 4: Sound in nature and architecture (St. Lambrecht - St. Blasen)
Stage 5: The biography of the earth (St. Blasen - Mariahof)
Stage 6: Human and plants (Mariahof - Perchau)
Stage 7: Weather and climate (Perchau - Mühlen)
Stage 8: Working in harmony with nature (Mühlen - Kulm)
Stage 9: Energy fields in nature (Kulm - Dürnstein)
Stage 10: Power points in human and landscape (Dürnstein - Neumarkt)
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By car from Germany
From Munich via the A8 in the direction of Salzburg. From Salzburg on the A10 Tauern freeway to St. Michael im Lungau. Take the B96 to Tamsweg, then continue on the B95 tp Predlitz. The B97 leads via Stadl/Mur to Murau. There in the traffic circle direction St. Lambrecht to the Murau train station and further direction St. Lambrecht. Via Laßnitz near Murau you reach St. Lambrech, which is already in the nature park. There continue in the direction of Mariahof and Neumarkt. In Mariahof turn right towards Neumarkt, the road leads directly to the main square.
Arrival from East Austria/Hungary
At the freeway junction in St. Michael bei Leoben take the S36 towards Klagenfurt. Pass Knittelfeld and Judenburg until Scheifling. In Scheifling continue in the direction of Klagenfurt to Neumarkt, via Unzmarkt and Perchau am Sattal you reach Neumarkt.
Arrival from sout Austria/Italy
Via Klagenfurt on the S37 past St. Veit/Glan, Treibach and Friesach. In Friesach continue in the direction of Vienna, via Dürnstein and Wildbach, to Neumarkt, In the middle of the main square you will find the starting point for the hike.
From Neumarkt main square you go to Mariahof, through the Neumarkt community forest to the Green Classroom, to the NaturLesePark and on to St. Marein. From there the path leads through the Graggerschlucht to Zeutschach, on to the Zeutschach source and via Maria Schönanger to the Grebenzen (1,870m). From the Grebenzen you continue to St. Lambrecht. An easy climb leads to St. Blase and from here towards Dürnberger Moor/Mariahof. The path leads over the stone castle towards the Perchauer Sattel and further over the Oberberger Alm to the Zirbitzkogel (2,396 m). The descent takes place via the Tonnerhütte to Mühlen and on to Kulm and Dürnstein. From Dürnstein, the last stage leads back towards the starting point to Neumarkter Hauptplatz.
- Café Central
- Zum Bräuer
- Pizzeria Roberts
- Xiaomei-China Restaurant
- Pizzeria Castello
- Restaurant zum Pölzl
- Gasthof Fischerwirt
- Gasthof & Italian Restaurant - Jerá am Furtnerteich
- Restaurant Knappenwirt
- Gasthof Leitner
- Gasthof-Restaurant Torwirt
- Marktcafe Pristovnik
- Eiszeit - homemade ice cream and more
- Inn Stifterl
- Kirchmoar Inn
- Zirbitzkogel shelter
- Hirschenwirt Inn
- Inn Gössler
- Camping inn at the Mühlen bathing lake
- Inn Krapinger
ÖBB www.oebb.at | Verbundlinie Steiermark www.busbahnbim.at