hARTberg walk
Street art is mainly known from big cities like New York, Rio de Janeiro or Berlin. It is now an established form of art to design public space and thus make works of art freely accessible to the public.
Thanks to the generous provision of wall surfaces, Hartberg has made it possible for residents and tourists alike to enjoy murals in Eastern Styria.
Between tradition and urban art.
Street Art in Hartberg
NYCHOS, a native of Hartberg and one of the international street art and graffiti greats who now lives in Los Angeles and inspires people all over the world with his technically outstanding works, brought his artistic talents to the walls and buildings of Hartberg together with renowned street artists from all over the world. His Vienna-based agency Rabbit Eye Movement curated and coordinated the design of the murals, which now form the hARTberg walk: a cultural-tourist highlight of international spray art.
Discover 31 murals by international street artists on 20 squares in Hartberg!
International muralists have left their mark in the heart of picturesque Styria. From June 10 to 16, 2024, the town of Hartberg hosted the impressive WHITE RABBIT Street Art Festival, curated by the internationally renowned artist Nychos. The festival offered the opportunity to look over the artists' shoulders during production and experience the creation of the murals up close. Guided tours were also offered to provide an in-depth insight into the world of street art.
The festival promised a top-class line-up* of major names from the scene.
The Street Art Festival was organized by Rabbit Eye Movement (www.rabbiteyemovement.at) and the municipality of Hartberg. This major project was supported by the Province of Styria,
Steiermark Tourismus und Standortmarketing GmbH and Tourismusverband Oststeiermark.