Logo of the sub-region Kräuterregion Wechselland | ©  Oststeiermark Tourismus
On the alp with a view of the Hochwechsel  | © TV Oststeiermark | Nicole Friesenbichler On the alp with a view of the Hochwechsel  | © TV Oststeiermark | Nicole Friesenbichler
Holidays where time stands still

Kräuterregion Wechselland

To discover the power of herbs while diving even deeper into nature, explore the Wechselland. Just an hour by car to the south of Vienna, a veritable paradise of nature presents itself on the pastures and alpine meadows around the ridge of the Hochwechsel.

The hiking trails offer magnificent views and at the same time lead to the alpine pastures, also called "Schwaigen", where you can enjoy a rest in one of the managed alpine huts. The herb region Wechselland includes the village of Dechantskirchen with its lively culture, the town of Friedberg, which has an excitingly prepared history, the pilgrimage site of Pinggau, the municipality of Schäffern and the flower village of St. Lorenzen.

A mighty castle is enthroned to the north of St. Lorenzen; the Festenburg remains storied and legendary to this day. None lesser than the renowned poet, minstrel and politician Hugo von Montfort acquired it in 1399.


On June 1, 2024, the time had finally come - the Styrian Wexltrails officially opened their doors and presented, among other things, their newly built centerpiece: a continuous trail from the Schutzhaus am Hochwechsel to the Vorauer Schwaig. 


Cyclist on the Vorauer Schwaig in St. Lorenzen am Wechsel in Eastern Styria | Roastmedia | © Verein Tourismusentwicklung Steirischer Wechsel
Dechantskirchen medium Closed
Route 33,3 km
Duration 3:50 h

Wexl Trails - Summit tour via the Vorauer Schwaig

Cyclist on the Hochwechsel in Eastern Styria | Roastmedia | © Verein Tourismusentwicklung Steirischer Wechsel
Pinggau medium Closed
Route 31,3 km
Duration 3:25 h

Wexl Trails - Hochwechsel trail circuit

Flourl's Schenke terrace in Dechantskirchen in Eastern Styria | Roastmedia | © Verein Tourismusentwicklung Steirischer Wechsel
Dechantskirchen medium Closed
Route 31,2 km
Duration 3:40 h

Wexl Trails - Styrian hut tour

Discover the best destinations

From the Erlebnisberg in Friedberg to the Wechselland Nature and Amusement Park in Pinggau, many attractions wait to be discovered in the Wechselland. The region shines a spotlight on wild herbs and a lively culture along with a smattering of history. Flower lovers are sure to enjoy the floral village of St. Lorenzen am Wechsel, while pilgrims reach their destination at the Maria Hasel pilgrimage church in Pinggau.

Armchair exhibition at the Thonet Museum in Friedberg | © TV Oststeiermark | Nicole Friesenbichler

Thonet exhibition

The Thonet exhibition features more than 80 exhibits, including the World Expo table from 1851, the only Liechtenstein chair, the legendary Postsparkassenstuhl from Otto Wagner and shapely pieces by the Vienna secessionists. Hours of operation: Sundays, 2 pm to 4 pm, guided tours by appointment.

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Get active in the Wechselland

Discover the power of herbs and get close to nature. In the heart of Eastern Styria’s adventure region, short hikes, long-distance hiking trails and historic old pathways await you in the Wechselland region.

A visit to the herbal region

Tradition, a feeling of security, hospitality and the seductive landscapes of the Wechselland make holiday dreams come true. Wander through the meadows and forests, enjoying the fresh air and the stillness of this unique region in Eastern Styria.