Hirschbirn hirsch'n
PöllauHirschbirn hirsch’n helps you to find out more about the many exciting tourist attractions for all ages, sportspeople, nature lovers, people interested in culture and anyone who enjoys the conscious experience of natuer, culture, cuisine and regionality.
Start with the information point in the castle park Pöllau. In seven locations you find interactive information points, exciting stories, genuine people and unusual insights.
Absorb the variety of the Nature Park Pöllau Valley and discover interesting facts about the Hirschbirne (autumn pear)!
This journey will take you through the unique cultural landscape with meadow orchards to our regional farmers, producers and restaurateurs. Enjoy your journey through the Nature Park Pöllau Valley!
How many information points are there and what content can I expect?
All seven information points can be found either with local businesses or in public places within the Nature Park Pöllau Valley. The information point in the castle park provides information about the other seven points and their locations.
You can find more information here:
Dear guests, the opening times may change, for your safety please contact the tourism information East Styria, Pöllau Valley branch directly.