Climate Future Trail, Pöllau
Climate future trail with information points on the topics:
- Trees for shade
- Wilderness and deadwood
- Forest of the future
- Forest show and experimental area
- Humus in the soil
- Rainwater utilisation
On the path (northern section) you can also discover the bumblebee showcase - our ecosystem could not do without them.
Best season
The tour in numbers
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More information
- We start at the "Shady tree" information board in the castle park (west of the park café). We leave the Schlosspark via the northern entrance and follow the signpost "Klimazukunft-Weg". We follow the road for a while until we turn right towards Hinterbrühl.
- At the "Humus in the soil" information point, we learn interesting facts about our soils. The path now leads us to the Hotel Restaurant Gruber. A loop around the popular bathing pond and we come to the forest path along the Saifenbach stream.
- The next information point "Wilderness and deadwood" is located at a forest area that has been taken out of use. We now return to the centre of Pöllau along the barrier-free path. The path continues through the beautiful Aupark to the next information point.
- "Rainwater utilisation" is not only explained here, but an illustrative object has also been created. The route continues through the mountain forest to Wieden. We soon find ourselves in the Haidenwald forest.At the
- "Schau- und Versuchsfläche" and "Wald mit Klimazukunft" information points near the Haidenwald tower, we learn how important a climate-friendly forest is. From here, the trail leads through forest, meadows and orchards back to the centre of Pöllau and our starting point in the castle park.
For local transport we recommend the SAM-Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark.
HF5943 Pöllau Schlosszwinger
P&R at the Pöllau bypass
Tourism region Eastern Styria
Nature Park Pöllauer Valley office
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau, Austria
'Tel: +43 3335 4210
Current weather
Mobility Eastern Styria with shared taxi SAM
Find out about maps, hiking brochures and other tour tips at the tourist office. You can also order information material on our website from the comfort of your own home.
Rother hiking guide "Oststeiermark - Von den Fischbacher Alpen bis in die Thermenregion", 50 tours, Elisabeth Zienitzer & Silvia Sarcletti paperback, ISBN-10, 376334577 available in bookshops