Stage 05 From Glacier to Wine North Route Tauplitzalm - Hochmölbinghütte
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At the beginning we hike past the Tauplitzsee in an easterly direction and thus move further and further away from the hustle and bustle in the center of the Tauplitzalm. Shortly before the Steirersee we should make a detour to one of the most beautiful places in Styria, to the Steirerbankerl above the lake. After visiting this popular photo spot we pass the Steirerseehütten and the lake of the same name to soon reach the next and easternmost lake of the Tauplitzalm, the Schwarzensee. The lake probably got its name because in cloudy weather or when a thunderstorm approaches, the water surface becomes extremely dark.
Via the Leistalmhütte, where we keep straight on, the Interhüttenalm and the Hanslhütte, this stage of the hiking route "From Glacier to Wine" leads us further in the direction of Wörschach (Tourist Information Tel. +43 3682 23999) to the Hochmölbinghütte on the Niederhüttenalm. As this route already shows, the majority of the route leads over beautiful alpine pastures. And the best thing about it: the meters in altitude are also kept within limits, because this section from the Tauplitzalm to the Hochmölbinghütte (Tel. +43 676 9003909) is always between an altitude of 1,409 and 1,759 m above sea level. After arriving at the hut, a refreshment is once announced, and after you have made yourself comfortable, the planning for the next stage to Wörschach can also start.
Accessible by train and bus.
Detailed information about arriving by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at www.oebb.at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website www.busbahnbim.at
With Verbundlinie’s BusBahnBim route planner app, planning your journey has never been easier: simply enter towns and/or addresses, stop names or points of interest to check all bus, train and tram connections in Austria. The app is available free of charge for smartphones – on Google Play and in the App Store
Steiermark Tourismus
Tel. +43 316 4003
If you would like to hire a tour operator, simply book with Steiermark Touristik, the official travel agency of Steiermark Tourismus:
Tel. +43 316 4003 450,
The Steiermark Touren app, available free of charge on Google Play and the App Store (Android, iOS), offers detailed first-hand information: brief facts (length, duration, difficulty, ascent and descent/elevation gain, ratings), map, route descriptions, altimeter, compass, peak finder, navigation along the tour. You can also create your own personal lists of favourite tours and sites, store tours and destinations offline, use social media channels, and much more.
Gratis Pocket Card Wanderroute "Vom Gletscher zum Wein" finden Sie auf www.steiermark.com
Naturerlebniskarte Ausseerland-Salzkammergut, 1:50.000 www.ausseerland.at
Kompass WK 68 Ausseerland, Ennstal, Tauplitz www.kompass.at
Freytag & Berndt WK082 Bad Aussee · Totes Gebirge · Bad Mitterndorf · Tauplitz www.freytagberndt.at
Rother Wanderführer "Vom Gletscher zum Wein": auf 160 Seiten mit 80 Farbabbildungen 60 Höhenprofile, 60 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:75.000, zwei Übersichtskarten, GPS-Tracks zum Download, Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm, kartoniert mit Polytex-Laminierung, ISBN 978-3-7633-4550-2, www.rother.de