Stage 09 From Glacier to Wine South Route Krakau - St. Peter am Kammersberg
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From Krakauhintermühlen with the beautifully situated hiking hotel Stigenwirth we walk the first few meters on the road until we come to a turnoff towards Lifthäusel. There we leave the road and keep to the right slightly downhill to follow the signs "Footpath to Krakaudorf". Later we come back to the road, pass through the hamlet of Scharnigl, and arrive at the idyllically situated bathing lake, which we hike along. Soon we change into a beautiful and especially in summer very welcome, because shade giving forest, through which the path leads us to a road.
Here we keep to the left at a fork to get directly to the Günster waterfall. If you already know the waterfall or want to get to the day's destination as soon as possible, you can continue straight ahead on the road to Schöder. However, a detour to the waterfall is worthwhile, but here a difficult decision awaits us: what to do first? Refresh ourselves with a cool drink in the inn "Zum Wasserfall" or start with the tour of the cool and well-built gorge? Once both are done, we follow the "Wasserfall-Rundweg" over a narrow footbridge from the inn to the east and come to the road up the Schöderberg. We leave this road already in the first left turn to follow the signs "Wanderweg nach Schöder". On this section of the trail we can admire the mighty Baierdorf fortified tower from the 11th century from a distance. The further way on this stage of the hiking route "From glacier to wine" leads us through a farm to reach a hill, where we keep to the right to follow local trail no. 7 down to the road and finally to Schöder. In Schöder, the Church of Our Lady invites you to visit.
We leave the village of Schöder to the right of the Schöderbach stream in order to follow the local trails with the numbers 1 and 2, which take us along a beautiful forest path always straight ahead towards the east. Only when the path no longer continues straight ahead, we descend to the left and walk for some time very romantically along the banks of the stream, enjoying the murmur of the stream. Soon we reach the height of the village of St. Peter am Kammersberg, where we first still have to cross the Katschbach to get to the slightly higher village, from which the next stage is to Murau.
Accessible by train and bus.
Detailed information about arriving by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at www.oebb.at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website www.busbahnbim.at
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Steiermark Tourismus
Tel. +43 316 4003
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Gratis Pocket Card Wanderroute "Vom Gletscher zum Wein" finden Sie auf www.steiermark.com
Kompass WK222 Sölktäler, Rottenmanner Tauern, Ennstal, Murau, Naturpark Grebenzen www.kompass.at
Freytag & Berndt WK211 Naturpark Zirbitzkogel ·Grebenzen · Murau · Sölkpass www.freytagberndt.at
Rother Wanderführer "Vom Gletscher zum Wein": auf 160 Seiten mit 80 Farbabbildungen 60 Höhenprofile, 60 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:75.000, zwei Übersichtskarten, GPS-Tracks zum Download, Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm, kartoniert mit Polytex-Laminierung, ISBN 978-3-7633-4550-2, www.rother.de