Abendmusiken | © harry schiffer Abendmusiken | © harry schiffer

Sun., 10/11/2024 from 20:00 o'clock

Abendmusiken - Joseph Haydn

Joseph Haydn - The Creation Soloists, instrumentalists, choir of the church music department of the University of Music Graz, chorforum.gleisdorf, vocal ensemble tonus Veronika Karner and Stjepan Molnar Conductor Information and advance booking: T +43/650/7473150 € 25.- | € 20.- Box office: € 30.- | € 25.-

Information und Vorverkauf: T +43/650/7473150  € 25.- | € 20.-

Abendkassa: € 30.- | € 25.-

Date and time

Sun., 10/11/2024
Starts at: 20:00 O'clock

Event location

Graz - Mariahilferkriche


Pfarre Graz Maria Hilf
Mariahilferplatz 3
8020 Graz