Höhlenkulinarium in der Höhle | © Region Graz-Mias Photoart Höhlenkulinarium in der Höhle | © Region Graz-Mias Photoart

Wed., 03/07/2024 from 17:15 o'clock

Food festival: Tasty Lurgrotte

200 metres below the earth's surface, an exclusive 9-course culinary delicacy awaits you, stylishly coordinated with the stalactite formations.

Cave tour & dinner with depth

Together with two cave guides and Philipp Pirstinger, you will be guided through the cave.
You can savour tasty dishes while listening intently to the stories of our experienced cave guides in a unique and mystical atmosphere.

Event location

Peggau - Lurgrotte

Additional Information

Meeting point

Meeting point 5.15 pm pavilion Lurgrotte Peggau, not Semriach!!!
Address: Lrgrottenstraße 1, 8120 Peggau

Price information

Price: € 189,-/ € 179,- pP (cave tour & multi-course dinner with high-quality wine accompaniment/ high-quality non-alcoholic drinks accompaniment)

Additional information

Bring sturdy shoes and a jacket/warm clothing. The temperature in the Lurgrotte is a constant 10°C.

If the event is underway and the group is already in the Lurgrotte, you will unfortunately not be able to join them, as you can only enter the Lurgrotte together with the cave guides.

For logistical reasons, special requests, allergies, etc. cannot be catered for at this event.


Programm & Organisation Food Festival Graz: Comitas Management GmbH
Andritzer Reichstraße 8, 8045 Graz
8045 Graz


Lurgrotte Peggau
Lurgrottenstraße 1
8120 Peggau
