Zalar & List | © ZalarundList Zalar & List | © ZalarundList

Fri., 09/08/2024 from 20:30 o'clock

Summer concert

A balmy summer night and great music - just the thing for an open-air concert evening!

Are you a fan of balmy summer nights with great music? Then the open-air concert on the market square in Ligist is the right place for you.

The musicians Johnny Paper & Band and Zalar & List will enchant you with their rousing Austropop sounds and create an unforgettable atmosphere. Enjoy a thrilling live experience in the open air and indulge in culinary delights from Restaurant Wörgötter and Gasthaus Gangl.

Date and time

Fri., 09/08/2024
Starts at: 20:30 O'clock

Event location

Ligist - Marktplatz

Additional Information

Price information

Tickets: VVK € 7,- | AK € 10,- pP
Advance booking at the Ligist municipal office.



Kulturausschuss der Marktgemeinde Ligist
Ligist 22
8563 Ligist


Marktplatz Ligist
Ligist 56
8563 Ligist

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