Sonnenaufgang beim Lienhof | © Lienhof Sonnenaufgang beim Lienhof | © Lienhof

Sun., 07/07/2024 from 14:00 o'clock

Yoga: New Moon – Mini Retreat

New Moon - Mini Retreat: Connected with nature, with a wonderful view from the Gedersberg.

Surrounded by fragrant herbs, you will be guided through wonderful sessions/units and can come fully into yourself. Escape everyday life and focus on your inner world.

You can expect a cocoa ceremony, a drum meditation, a new moon ritual, gentle yin yoga & sound healing as well as group hypnosis & a transformative breathing journey. Finally, there will be a sharing circle with a vegetarian dinner.

Date and time

Sun., 07/07/2024
Starts at: 14:00 O'clock (Duration: 6 Hours)

Event location

Seiersberg-Pirka - Lienhof

Additional Information

Price information

Costs: € 120,- pP

Online registration required!


feleo Yoga
Sabrina Weiß
Gewerbering 12
8054 Seiersberg-Pirka


Sabine Lienhart
Eckleitenweg 92
8054 Seiersberg-Pirka