From leisurely rides to challenging tours

Cycling and mountain bike tours in Styria

Exploring the cities and regions of Styria by bike, mountain bike or gravel bike is truly a special way of travelling.

Spend some time with friends or family while river biking and experience Styria's hospitality when stopping for a break or visiting an excursion destination. Broaden your cultural and culinary horizons on multi-faceted themed bike trails. Live it up in bike parks, on flow trails or downhill routes. Or test your endurance on sporty mountain bike tours high up to the countless alpine pastures.

Where can you do all this? In Styria, of course! No wonder that the green heart of Austria is popular with downhill enthusiasts and pleasure-loving cyclists from around the world. 

Information and timetables for journeys by public transport within Styria can be found at, the transport information service of Verbundlinie Steiermark.

Information about bicycle transport on ÖBB trains can be found here.

Length in km
0 km
25608 km
Duration in h
0 h
121 h
Elevation gain/loss
0 m
18105 m
867 Results
Falkensteinalm | | © TV Hochsteiermark
Neuberg an der Mürz easy Closed
Route 13,6 km
Duration 2:00 h

E-Bike Tour to the Falkensteinalm

Putterersee und Hohe Trett | Schladming Dachstein | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein
Irdning-Donnersbachtal easy Open
Route 25,0 km
Duration 2:55 h

Aigen Tour | 24

Pfarrkirche in Strallegg | Tourismusverband Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Wenigzell medium
Route 42,1 km
Duration 5:00 h

Pacher loop from Wenigzell, Wenigzell

Erlaufsee im Frühling | Brigitte Digruber | © TV Hochsteiermark
Mariazell easy
Route 16,6 km
Duration 1:15 h

Grünau round

Ausblick Schmuckbauerwirt | Bernhard Prangl | © Südsteiermark
Eibiswald medium
Route 42,9 km
Duration 3:30 h

Schmuckbauerwirt - St. Anna - the bike tour for the brave

Cycling in Hartbergerland | Bernhard Bergmann | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Hartberg medium Open
Route 33,2 km
Duration 2:21 h

R35 Hartberg cycle path, Hartberg

Radfahren | Katharina Wassler | © Tourismusverband ERZBERG LEOBEN
Trofaiach medium
Route 20,5 km
Duration 1:45 h

Reitingblicktour LN 3

Paar_Jause | © (c) Steiermark Tourismus_Leo Himsl
Bad Waltersdorf easy Open
Route 38,0 km
Duration 3:00 h

4 Elemente Tour WASSER 2 im Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark

Für die optimale Regeneration vor und nach dem Radfahren sorgt das besondere Thermalwasser. | Harald Eisenberger | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
medium Open
Route 148,9 km
Duration 12:00 h

Thermal bath trail (Thermenradweg)

Bildstöckl bei Fladnitz, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | Christine Pollhammer | © TVB Oststeiermark
Fladnitz an der Teichalm easy Open
Route 13,5 km
Duration 1:30 h

country party - cycling tour, Fladnitz an der Teichalm

Radeln entlang des Freßnitzbaches | Oliver Königshofer | © REV
Krieglach easy Closed
Route 12,7 km
Duration 2:00 h

MTB-Tour: Freßnitzgraben - Geburtshaus Rosegger

Mountainbiken (c) TV SWV, Foto: Nici Seiser | © TV Hochsteiermark
Kindberg medium Closed
Route 10,0 km
Duration 1:15 h

K5 - Aichberg Tour (Mountain Bike Route Kindberg 5)

Gemysag-Fitness-Trail - Richtung Emberg | Waltraud Pusterhofer | © Hans Hollerer
Kapfenberg medium
Route 7,6 km
Duration 1:00 h

GEMYSAG fitness trail in the Lactosan sports arena

Pöllau church and castle_NUP Pöllauer Tal_Oststeiermark | Helmut Schweighofer
Pöllau medium
Route 51,6 km
Duration 3:45 h

Safental cycle tour to Bad Waltersdorf, Pöllau

Die Pötschenrunde - Start Fachschule für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Hafendorf | Waltraud Pusterhofer | © TV Hochsteiermark
Kapfenberg medium Closed
Route 6,4 km
Duration 0:50 h

Pötschen round - LACTOSAN Sportarena Kapfenberg

867 Results


If you are looking for more tips for tours and natural sites, you will find them here. The offer ranges from leisurely tours along rivers to trails in bike parks.