Johnbacher Almenrunde
Snowshoe tour from the Ebneralm car park (approx. 2 km from the end of Johnsbach) through the gorge to the mountain pastures north of the Johnsbachtal valley, approx. 400 metres altitude difference, approx. 4 hours walking time. Stop for refreshments on the way at the Ebneralm (only on weekends) and at the end of the tour in Johnsbach.
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Or via Leoben, Vordernberg and Eisenerz to Hieflau and from there via B146 in a westerly direction into the Gesäuse.
A1 Westautobahn to exit Ybbs and from there south through Scheibbs, Lunz am See, Göstling an der Ybbs and Palfau to Hieflau. From there take the B146 in a westerly direction to the Gesäuse.
In the National Park there is only one intersection worth mentioning, namely the one into the Johnsbachtal (coming from Admont after approx. 11 km and coming from Hieflau after approx. 15 km). Follow this road (L743) about 10 km into the valley. Go through Johnsbach past the famous Kölbwirt inn until you reach the Ebnerklamm car park (with information boards) on the left.
Messdaten Gscheideggkogel (Schneehöhen, Windgeschwindigkeit, etc.)
Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont, Österreich
Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160-10
Email: info@gesaeuse.at
Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2, AT-8913 Admont, Österreich
Tel. +43(0) 3613 211 60-20
Email: info@nationalpark-gesaeuse.at
Carto.at Wander- Rad- & Skitourenkarte Nr 801 "Nationalpark Gesäuse", 1: 35 000
Kompass Karten "Nationalpark Gesäuse" Nr. 206, M 1 : 25 000
Alpenvereinskarte - Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen, Blatt 16. 1 :25 000
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