View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk
Never ending experiences in southern Styria

Excursions and Day Trips

Southern Styria not only provides culinary experiences, but also has a lot to tell in terms of its culture, history and customs. From Roman excavation sites to the oldest wine cellar in Europe and the Stainzer Flascherlzug (steam train) to lived Styrian customs, the range of excursion destinations and sights is extensive.

Visitors can experience a region that is proud of its thousand-year-old cultural heritage. Special mention must be made of the wine trails of southern Styria, which are not only characterised by the breathtaking wine landscape, but also by the uniqueness that one Buschenschank (wine tavern) follows the next.

You can also admire castles and palaces as well as museums, galleries and exhibitions where you can learn more about the Romans and Celts, and the history of the region. In countless manufactories you can look over the shoulders of the producers and find out how Styrian delicacies, ranging from pumpkin seed oil to lavender syrup, are made.

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Remschniggalm | © TV Die Südsteirische Weinstraße/Julia Kerschbaumer
  • Arnfels


South of Arnfels, right on the border with Slovenia and at an altitude of 650 to 750 m, lies the Remschnigg Alm.
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Weinkulturgarten Eichberg 2 | © Familie Lieleg | Kollerhof am Eichberg
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Weinerlebnistour, Weinkulturgarten, moderner Klapotetz

Wine experience tour: "From the grape to the wine"
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Panoramaturm Wein- & Genusswelt Garber | © Panoramaturm - Wollschweinwanderung Garber
  • open today
  • Eibiswald

Panoramaturm - Wollschweinwanderung Garber

A special feature for guests is the farm's own 360° panorama tower.
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Tourismusverband | © Tourismusverband
  • open today
  • Eibiswald

Infobüro Eibiswald

Gentle, green hills as far as the eye can see. Here, at the western foothills of the Koralpe, on what is now the open...
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  • open today
  • Oberhaag

Mineralienausstellung Oberhaag

The collection "From Retznei to the Koralpe" by Josef Kolar is an impressive collection of minerals in the Southern...
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Pferdehof Decker | © Pferdehof Decker
  • St. Johann im Saggautal

Pferdehof Decker

Through forests, across meadows and fields, past the vineyards of the beautiful nature park Südsteirisches Weinland on...
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Panoramaschenke Tertinek Aussicht | © Panoramaschenke Tertinek
  • open today
  • Oberhaag

Steirischer Panoramablick

Magnificent view of southern and western Styria
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Eichberger Wassermühle | © Marktgemeinde Leutschach an der Weinstraße
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Eichberger Wassermühle

The old water mill in Eichberg-Trautenburg is a reminder of the approximately 50 water mills that existed in the...
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Tennisanlage Vordersdorf | © Tennisanlage Vordersdorf
  • Wies

Tennisanlage Vordersdorf

The tennis facility Vordersdorf is located in a quiet and idyllic location!  
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Stari-Bräu | © Jöbstl Stammhaus
  • open today
  • Eibiswald

Stari-Bräu - Jöbstl Stammhaus

The craft beer from Eibiswald.
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Schaukanzel | © Gemeinde Oberhaag
  • open today
  • Oberhaag

Schaukanzel beim Steinbruch

Where the Welschriesling reaches out to the Schilcher and the gentle hilly landscape rises up to the alpine pasture,...
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Fotopoint Etzendorf 1 | © Netwerker
  • open today
  • Wies

Aussichtspunkt RADELIKAT Wies

From the vantage point at Radelikat Genusstour you have a magnificent panoramic view all the way to the Slovenian...
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Rausch Schott | © Ulrike Elsneg
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Sensenmähkurse mit Jürgen Rausch-Schott

Scythe course dates: 18th of June, 25th of June, 9th of July, 19th of September, 24th of September, Registration and...
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Bergbaumuseum Limberg | © Gemeinde Wies
  • Wies

Erlebnis-Bergbaumuseum Limberg

The hands-on museum - informative and eventful
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Rauchstubnhaus | © Karl Oswald
  • St. Johann im Saggautal

Rauchstubenhaus Gündorf

The "Thombauernhof", built around 1700, is a typical representative of the old form of the eastern alpine smoke house.
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Alpakafreunde Eibiswald | © Alpakahof Eibiswald
  • Eibiswald

Alpakahof Eibiswald

We invite you to leave your everyday life behind and enjoy for a moment the time on our farm with our alpaca herd and...
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Loamtrattl | © Gemeinde Oberhaag
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  • Oberhaag

Loamtrattl - Barfußparcours

There is a Kneipp facility on the outskirts of Oberhaag near the Lieschenbach bridge, from the municipal office towards...
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Pfarrkirche Arnfels | © Marktgemeinde Arnfels
  • open today
  • Arnfels

Pfarrkirche Arnfels

The church was built between 1714 and 1734. Prince-Bishop Jakob II Ernest Count of Lichtenstein consecrated this...
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Weinbaumuseum | © Buschenschank Glirsch
  • open today
  • Eibiswald

Weinbaumuseum Glirsch

Visit our wine museum.
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Prüfender Blick | © Ernst Skringer | Weingut Skringer
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Seilrutschen-Walderlebnis-Riesenschaukel Skringer

Move from tree to tree with zip lines over several stations across the slopes of the Eichberg, which are criss-crossed...
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Austtellung Hamug Museum | © Lisi Maier
  • Großklein

Hallstattzeitliches Museum & Gehöft Burgstallkogel

Feel the world of the Hallstatt period! Immerse yourself in the history of our ancestors: Walk in the footsteps of the...
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Vorstand Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies | © Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies
  • open today
  • Wies

Kulturinitiative Kürbis Wies

The cultural initiative sees itself as a platform for active cultural work in rural areas and develops and produces its...
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Klapotetz | © Vino Cool - Harald Eisenberger | Die Klapotetzhof
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Die Klapotetzstraße

Numerous klopotecs (windmills) line the vine country of the wine road so that it was quickly renamed the klopotec wind...
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Filzhut Damen Wollstube Lierzer | © Franz Lierzer
  • Großklein

Wollstube Lierzer

Since 1986, the Lierzer family has been engaged in sheep farming and wool processing. Maria Lierzer has learned the...
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria