View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk View of Seggau Castle and Frauenberg pilgrimage church | © Steiermark Tourismus | Wolfgang Jauk
Never ending experiences in southern Styria

Excursions and Day Trips

Southern Styria not only provides culinary experiences, but also has a lot to tell in terms of its culture, history and customs. From Roman excavation sites to the oldest wine cellar in Europe and the Stainzer Flascherlzug (steam train) to lived Styrian customs, the range of excursion destinations and sights is extensive.

Visitors can experience a region that is proud of its thousand-year-old cultural heritage. Special mention must be made of the wine trails of southern Styria, which are not only characterised by the breathtaking wine landscape, but also by the uniqueness that one Buschenschank (wine tavern) follows the next.

You can also admire castles and palaces as well as museums, galleries and exhibitions where you can learn more about the Romans and Celts, and the history of the region. In countless manufactories you can look over the shoulders of the producers and find out how Styrian delicacies, ranging from pumpkin seed oil to lavender syrup, are made.

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  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Schloss Frauenthal

Frauenthal Castle is a castle in the municipality of Deutschlandsberg in Styria. Its history goes back to the middle of...
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Der 1000-jährige Spiegel Ansicht 2 | © Der 1000-jährige Spiegel
  • open today
  • Wies

Der 1000jährige Spiegel

The artist Viktor Thomas Kröll, who comes from Wies, has realized his project "The 1000-year-old mirror" in Aug near...
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Naturbadeteich Oberhaag | © Naturbadeteich Oberhaag
  • open today
  • Oberhaag

Naturbadeteich Oberhaag

It is a pleasure to relax in the shade of the trees or just let the sun caress you. Water, from time immemorial the...
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Kneipp-Gesundheits-Park | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Kur- und Kneipp-Park Bad Schwanberg

Der Kneipp-Gesundheits-Park in Bad Schwanberg lädt zum Aktivieren der Sinne ein! Von Kopf bis Fuß
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Traktor Gmiatlich unterwegs | © Bettina Strametz
  • Eibiswald

Gmiatlich unterwegs

You want to get to know the beautiful area and be chauffeured by an old 15 Steyr tractor with a rustic trailer? Then...
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Bogenschießen | © Weiberhof OG
  • Großklein

Weiberhof | Bogenschießen lernen & trainieren

The Weiberhof is a place of encounter and recreation for women of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles. Vacation for...
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Modellbahn1 | © Manfred Kindl - Modellbahn
  • Deutschlandsberg

Modellbahn Deutschlandsberg

A small train on a grand scale A technical masterpiece of model railroad technology
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SchlossOttersbach | © Familie Abel - Schloss Otterssbach
  • open today
  • Großklein

Schloss Ottersbach

Ottersbach Castle is an ornate, late Baroque building near the Sulm River at Mantrach and tells of more than 400 years...
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Stör | © EJZ
  • open today
  • St. Johann im Saggautal

Fischerparadies Nebelteich

The fishing paradise Nebelteich offers enthusiastic anglers 4 different ponds.
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Schloss Hollenegg1 | © Schloss Hollenegg
  • Bad Schwanberg

Castle Hollenegg

Hollenegg Castle invites you to take a walk in the castle garden.
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Ortskern Bad Schwanberg | © TV Südsteiermark
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Infobüro Bad Schwanberg

The tourism association Südsteiermark will be happy to assist you in their office in Bad Schwanberg!
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Bergbaumuseum Limberg | © Gemeinde Wies
  • Wies

Erlebnis-Bergbaumuseum Limberg

The hands-on museum - informative and eventful
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Kegelbahn Mehlsack-Hubmann | © Gasthaus Mehlsack
  • Bad Schwanberg

Kegelbahn Gasthaus Mehlsack

Here at the Gasthaus Mehlsack-Hubmann in Schwanberg you can experience bowling fun!
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Freibad Martinhof | © Martinhof
  • open today
  • St. Martin im Sulmtal

Freibad Martinhof

The outdoor pool of Gasthof Martinhof is open to everyone! Ideal for families with small children.
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Ölmühle Kremsner | © Ölmühle Kremsner
  • open today
  • Großklein

Ölmühle Kremsner

Located on the Sulm river and surrounded by steeply sloping vineyards, delicious oils are hand-crafted in this...
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Logo | © Kultur- & Museumsverein Eibiswald
  • Eibiswald

Kultur- und Museumsverein Eibiswald

The Kultur-und Museumsverein Eibiswald emerged in 2017 from the Museumsverein Eibiswald, which in turn emerged from the...
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Ausstellung | © Peter Michelitsch
  • Deutschlandsberg

Kulturforum Laßnitzhaus Deutschlandsberg

Right next to the center there is an event hall at Hollenegger Straße 8 with the Laßnitzhaus, which is suitable for a...
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Schnapsmuseum Brenneri Jöbstl | © Museum "Zum alten Brennkessel"
  • Wies

Museum "Zum alten Brennkessel"

"Zum alten Brennkess'l" Jöbstl's collection of distilling equipmentWaltraud Jöbstl, the internationally awarded, West...
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Schoss Burgstall | © Gemeinde Wies
  • Wies

Schloss Burgstall

The first fortification on this place was probably built at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century....
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Wunderschöne Josefikirche | ©
  • open today
  • Bad Schwanberg

Josefikirche Bad Schwanberg

The Josefikirche on the Josefiberg of the same name is the landmark of Bad Schwanberg. A walk invites you to enjoy the...
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Ölmühle Hamlitsch | © Ölmühle Hamlitsch
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Hamlitsch oil mill

Experience the exciting journey from pumpkin seed to pumpkin seed oil and enjoy the variety of flavors of our products...
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Klavierfrühling mit Markus Schirmer | © Kulturkreis Deutschlandsberg
  • Deutschlandsberg

Kulturkreis Deutschlandsberg

The Kulturkreis currently mainly offers piano concerts, with the "Deutschlandsberger piano spring" with internationally...
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Tennisplatz Tennisplatz Eibiswald | © Tennisplatz Eibiswald
  • Eibiswald

Tennisplatz Eibiswald

The tennis court Eibiswald is only a few minutes away from the center of Eibiswald and is located in a quiet and...
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Greißlermuseum Brunner | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
  • Bad Schwanberg

Greißlermuseum- Antiquitäten

"department store" of a special kind
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Diversity & uniqueness in the south of Styria

Discover southern Styria