© Steiermark Tourismus | Bernhard Loder © Steiermark Tourismus | Bernhard Loder
Through open gates & doors

Opening Hours Calendar

What is open when in Southern Styria?! Who hasn't experienced it when you plan a trip to an attraction or a rustic Buschenschank and then find yourself in front of closed doors! We want to save you this trouble. The people of Southern Styria welcome their guests with open arms... but the doors must also be open. Here you'll find all the establishments and their opening hours.

Tip: You can easily search for businesses that are open today, on a certain day of the week or during a certain period by using the "opening days" filter.

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Begegnungszentrum | © Lebenshilfe Leibnitz / BGZ Demmerkogel
  • open today
  • St. Andrä-Höch

Bauernladen im Begegnungszentrum Demmerkogel

A special spot on the Demmerkogel can be reached via countless hiking trails. In the middle of the beautiful Sausal...
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Pizzeria | © Adobe Stock_Pizzeria
  • open today
  • Wagna

Pizzeria Viva

Welcome to our Pizzeria Viva in Wagna.
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Das Wildbachtal rund ums Weingut Koller | © Fam. Koller
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Weingut Koller Manuel

The Wildbach Valley, home of the Schilcher. Steep mountains. All around dense forests and beautiful nature, a...
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Lukashof Genussmanufaktur | © Anna Zora
  • open today
  • Stainz

Lukashof Genussmanufaktur

As a member of the organic show farms, the Lukashof Genussmanufaktur has set itself the goal of giving interested...
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Wallfahrtskirche Frauenberg Innenansicht | © Romana Maier
  • open today
  • Leibnitz

Frauenberg Pilgrimage Church

The pilgrimage church Frauenberg was first mentioned in a document in 1170 and is dedicated to St. Mary - Assumption...
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Hubmann Röstmaschine | © Foto Augenblick
  • open today
  • Stainz

Kaffeerösterei Hubmann Stainz

Kaufhaus Hubmann's Stainzer Kaffee - the highest pleasure from Schilcherland The first coffee roaster from...
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Weingut Felberjörgl | © Weingut Felberjörgl
  • St. Andrä-Höch

Weingut Felberjörgl

Our winery Wines of the highest quality, grown on Sausal primary rock! The Felberjörgl winery is surrounded by a...
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Gasthaus Neddermayer | © TV Südsteiermark
  • Straß in Steiermark

Gasthaus Neddermeyer

As an old stagecoach station and Einkehrgasthaus we are known in southern Styria since 1681 and for about 100 years the...
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EIBENHOF vom puschnig | © Familie Ertl | Weingut Eibenhof
  • open today
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Weingut Eibenhof Fam. Ertl

Bottled wine sales and Buschenschank (drinks only) directly at the GLANZER GRENZTISCH on the Glanzer Kellerstraße.
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Buschenschankjause Weingut Tropper | © Weinhof Tropper
  • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

Buschenschank Tropper

In 2009 we decided to use the premises in the old stable for a Buschenschank. The old building with its rustic vaults...
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Café im Hotel Kipper | © Schilcherland Steiermark
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Café im Gesundheitshotel Kipper

Directly in the hotel lobby is the cafe of the health hotel.
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Weingut-Gaestehaus-Wildbacher | © Weinbauernhof Wildbacher | Fam. Wildbacher
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Weingut Wildbacher

A warm welcome! Behind every good wine is a winemaker, a family of winemakers, vineyards, a region - in other words, a...
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Weingut Pölzl | © Weingut Pölzl
  • Großklein

Buschenschank Pölzl

Cozy and down-to-earth, we serve you traditional Styrian specialties with homemade farmhouse bread, self-produced meat...
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Weingut & Buschenschank Pugl | © Weingut Pugl
  • Großklein

Buschenschank Pugl

TRADITIONAL TASTES AT THE BREAD and noble drops in the glass It is an expression of joie de vivre when you can enjoy...
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Pizza | © Schilcherland steiermark
  • open today
  • Lannach

Mediterran BurgerGrill

For the fast hunger, if you have little time, a lot of fresh ingredients are used and there is something for everyone.
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Edelbrennerei_Peer1 | © Edelbrand Peer
  • open today
  • Wagna

Edelbrennerei Peer

The farm The Peer distillery consists of several estates. In Wiesberg, a total area of about 4ha is worked. Of this,...
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Weingut Albert | © Weingut Albert
  • Kitzeck im Sausal

Buschenschank Albert

In our wine tavern we serve our guests special delicacies apart from the usual Buschenschank Jause. Here we are...
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Eislaufen | © TV Sulmtal Koralm
  • Bad Schwanberg

Eisanlage Bad Schwanberg

Our ice rink in Bad Schwanberg offers skating fun for young and old alike
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Steak | © AdobeStock_Eduardo
  • St. Martin im Sulmtal

Das Steakhouse

HONEST QUALITY. IN GASSELSDORF. The steakhouse in Gasselsdorf. We rely on honest and transparent meat quality,...
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Buschenschank Gallunder Jause | © Buschenschank & Weingut Gallunder
  • open today
  • Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße

Buschenschank Gallunder

Our vineyard area of about 10 hectares is located in the beautiful southern Styria in Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße,...
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