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Fri., 09/08/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Publisher Library of the Province

The publishing house library of the province publishes books out of conviction and pleasure, with care and seriousness.

The aim is to discover unknown authors, remind people of classics and modernity and give independent minds space for new ideas.

The books should be beautiful out of affection for the readers and writers and as a sign of sustainability and against the throwaway mentality.

Date and time

Fri., 09/08/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock (Duration: 90 Minutes)

Event location

Grundlsee - Gabillon house Grundlsee


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49


Die Arche am Grundlsee
Adelheid Picha
Bräuhof 59
8993 Grundlsee
Mobile +43 677 642 638 49